This 13.75 x 28.25 inches poster-sized Mexican Lobby card for The Lone Ranger and the Lost City of Gold (El Llanero Solitario y La Ciudad Perdida de Oro, 1958), is exciting, colorful, and certainly makes me want to see the movie. While the Lone Ranger is considered too corny now for a decent revival in cinema, growing up watching him on television, with George Reeves' Superman, was fun. The travesty of Johnny Depp playing Tonto (originally done by Jay Silverheels) as a weird joke is unforgivable. What's weird and corny about two people seeking and working together for justice? One of Jay Silverheels' homes was in Brooklyn, off of Bay Parkway, just a little ways from where I was growing up in Bensonhurst. I often passed his house with the beautiful window displaying his Native American pride. I don't recall him doing conventions--at least not the ones that I attended in the 1970s.