The classic, I Chopped Her Head Off! is in this issue. If you ever wondered why parents and decent citizens (don't you love that term?) ganged up on the comics industry forcing the bland comics code on us all (but a boon to magazine sales), this one story captures everything you would put on a poster illustrating the evils of comic books. And you can color it in! Yes boys and girls, you too can be seduced by the dark side, just a few color pencils needed. Now that's one thing I bet you hadn't thought about. Just print out the pages of this splaterific issue of moral decay and bamm! instant adult coloring book! You can thank me later. Just don't tell your parents and loved ones where I live. I'll deny everything.
ComicRack reader version: Download Terror Tales Vol.2 No.1
Don't be terrified! Here are more magazines From Zombos' Closet .