I picked up this advertisement, from 1971, for full color reproductions of some of The Night Gallery portraits. Would love to have these prints instead. Some monster magazines at the time carried advertisements for these prints too. Looking forward to receiving my copy of Rod Serling's Night Gallery: The Art of Darkness, which will show all of the paintings along with commentary and other tidbits of information. One thing you must absolutely do is NOT watch The Night Gallery eps on cable channels like MeTv. Avoid them like the plague. MeTV picked up rights to the 30-minute edited versions that went into syndication. Aside from being butchered to run in a shortened timeframe, they added episodes from The Sixth Sense (also butchered) with Gary Collins and Catherine Ferrar. Rod Serling did new introductions for those episodes, but they aren't Night Gallery. The 30-minute syndicated episodes border on incoherent as editing tricks left them sliced and diced.