This, The Pearl of Death, pressbook comes courtesy of director Joe Dante (Trailers from Hell, Gremlins, The 'Burbs, The Howling, and more). Interesting story: I received an email from Charlie Largent asking if I'd like a bunch of pressbooks from Mr. Dante. Me, I'm thinking I'm being punked or scammed, but it turned out to be true. We worked out the logistics and, well, here we are. I'm always happy to hear from anyone who likes what I post, but when it comes from people like Joe Dante and Charlie Largent, it makes it especially pleasant. And I could never turn down an offer of pressbooks. Never.
Rondo Hatton is especially effective as the Hoxton Creeper, looming large and menacing, and Evelyn Ankers is always wonderful: a solid entry in the series.
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