Here's the first issue of Modern Monsters (they added the "s" with issue two). More monsters are always a party. Lots of great photos and coverage with That Other Werewolf (you know, the one with Henry Hull, who didn't want Jack Pierce's full makeup treatment); The Frankenstein Story (up to I was a Teenage Frankenstein); Humor in a Jugular Vein (Abbott and Costello mostly, with a nod to AIP); and a too-short nod to Don Post. From the why-is-this-ad-here dept. we have exclusive original Flamenco prints: send cash, check, or money order today! I'm guessing that 'they' (the magazine sales dept.) were going for your mom who, WE ALL EXPERIENCED, usually trashed your stash of horror mags while you were away at school. I figure they hoped she'd thumb through the magazine uttering epithets before tossing it, only to find the Flamenco prints and be compelled to want a set. Whose mom wouldn't? Back then, that is.
Comic reader version: Download Modern Monster Issue 1
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