An engaging read could be found in each issue of The House of Hammer (later changing titles to House of Horror then Halls of Horror) edited by Dez Skinn. With illustrated adaptations of Hammer movies such as Dracula and Captain Kronos Vampire Hunter, and the host-slanted Van Helsing's Terror Tales to round out the first issue, there was still room for well-written articles, usually themed around the main adaptation. While the original thought was to only cover Hammer's oeuvre, the studio's production mill ran too slow to fill out each issue, so horror movies beyond Hammer were covered. Eye-catching covers by Brian Lewis and other artists, and article writers including Tony Crawley, John Brosnan, and Denis Gifford, made each issue a satisfying reading experience.
Comic reader version: Download House of Hammer Issue 1 (See all the issues at the Internet Archive)
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