From the Wikipedia entry on fanzines: "Alex Soma's Horrors of the Screen, Calvin T. Beck's Journal of Frankenstein (later Castle of Frankenstein) and Gary Svehla’s Gore Creatures were the first horror fanzines created as more serious alternatives to the popular Forrest J. Ackerman's 1958 magazine Famous Monsters of Filmland." Courtesy of Professor Kinema's archives comes issue 3 of Horrors of the Screen, murky fanzine printing and all. Articles include Edwin Schallert's How the Invisible Man Was Filmed, which delves into the special effects used to create the illusion of invisibility, Annette Florance's Peter Cushing. Steven Jochsberger recalls a birthday with Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi's career coverage is continued in part 2 of William G. Obbagy's article.
Comic book reader version: Download Horrors of the Screen No. 3
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