In issue 8 of Castle of Frankenstein, William K. Everson recounts the melancholic last days of Bela Lugosi, COF goes behind the scenes with Fu Manchu, and David McCallum's Outer Limits are explored. Makeup artist Roy Ashton is interviewed, a visit to Bray Studios is made, and in the Noose Reel, Joe Dante joins the fray to dish some dirt on why editing movies to fit time slots is stupid. Yes, boys and girls, way back when, network television would butcher the classics and the duds by cutting scenes to fit in more commercials or run in a shorter air time slot. Now that's a horror story right there. Completing this issue is Lin Carter's 1965: The Year in Horror-Fantasy Books.
This copy courtesy of Professor Kinema. Here's the comic book reader version: Download Castle of Frankenstein Issue 8