Issue 43 of The Monster Times looks at demons and devils in movies and comics. The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, Night of the Demon, Haxan, and a lot of lesser demons and devils get face time. Those Lousy Lovecraft Films ponders why demons leave home, and Ban It Yourself Exorcism Products takes a page or two out of Cracked's For Monsters Only book of zany. Even Captain Kirk gets into the action (he always did, didn't he?) with a rundown on all the devils banished in Star Trek. A first rate TMT issue, entertaining and informative, all around. By 1975, the monsterkid craze was a fond memory, but it had mutated into something greater: now it was the time of the monsterteens, who gobbled up everything on comics and contemporary horror movies they could sink their teeth into.