In this issue 7 of The Monster Times, Gary Gerani's Hot Prints Anyone? explains "how you too can own and show your favorite monster movie in your own home!" Imagine that. Viewing a complete feature film in the privacy of your own home, with or without buttered popcorn, any time you like. Wild. At the end of the article, Gerani peers into the future: "We of The Monster Times see a day when the studios change the law, allowing distribution of their product to private homes..." Quite a blast from the past for monster kids, right? How many of you remember scouting around at conventions and other places for illegal full-length prints of your favorite horror films? If it wasn't for VHS, we'd all be in jail by now. Oh, wait, some of us did go to jail over VHS. Nevermind that. Anyway, other notable articles in this issue include the Would you buy a used car from this Gorilla?, which wonders why the monster-sized Volkswagen 411 car model television spot featuring King Kong came and went in the blink of an eye, and The Monster Market's Godzilla Aurora Kit review (costing a whopping $1.94 in U.S. currency). The reviewer wasn't too happy with its glow in the dark parts, the King of Monsters claws looking like Mickey Mouse gloves, and the weak stickiness of the model glue used for assembly because of too many snifflers getting cheap highs back then. Now, of course, you can just go to Colorado.