Seller chancchabhnclv has this up for auction on eBay. Although, at zero feedback and an asking price of $850.00, I doubt he (or she) is going to get many bites. But this Robby the Robot knock-off by Nomura is a fondly remembered toy from my youth. I still have a strong memory of my mom and I walking down 86th Street in Brooklyn to a small, hole in the wall, toy store. I was maybe 5 years old. Inside the store, behind the counter that ran the length of the store, the man had all these wonderful metal robot toys from Japan. This one, the Mechanized Robot, caught my eye and wouldn't let it go. It was Robby! Even the clear plastic dome showed his memory pistons all moving and lighted up as he walked! I took Robby home and spent hours watching him walk around while those memory pistons pumped up and down. He was even more awesome in the dark (see the YouTube video at the end of this post: how cool is that!)
Sadly, over time, my Robby toy didn't grow up along with me. I don't remember what happened to him. My bad. But I still remember him. (Note: I added two photos that show the unique battery position and a side view, taken by