A pox on the little terror (or maybe it was a big terror) that ran his or her errant pen across this battered copy of Cracked's For Monsters Only, issue 5. Cheeky little bastard. What, no one worried about collectibility back in 1967? Wait a mo, no one did, actually. Okay, nevermind that. So the little bastard who marked up the cover of this issue wasn't so cheeky or terrible. It does give it some monsterkid flavor, though, don't you think? More jokes (actually some good ones in this issue, see The Nightmares of Monsters), and two thoughtful articles, Richard Bojarski's The Man Behind the Monsters: The Story of Jack Pierce (for you newbies, Jack Pierce was the genius makeup artist who created the Universal Classic Monster look), and The Horror Hits of Peter Lorre, make this issue a memorable read.