While I'm not sure how much historical Viking and Iceni research actually wound up in this Hammer production, you certainly can't beat those chariots of death and men roasting in cages. Not everthing's about Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, right? I mean, if you can have the Satanic rites of Dracula, then I don't see much harm with the Iceni practicing savage ones in the movie.
This 10" x 15" Warner-Pathe pressbook follows the same format as their Moon Zero Two pressbook, but this one has only 8 pages (how many ice-cream and luggage tie-ins can you do with Vikings? and forget about the kiddies after you go about roasting men and driving chariots of death).
Speaking of those deadly chariots, I suspect there's a bit of phallic print-play with the cover illustration going on. Of course, you can read anything you like into those Viking horns. They're so, well, do I really need to say it? As for the movie, all I can say is, it's in my Top 10 list for worst-casting ever. Don Murray? As a Viking?