Little? Yes. Dead? Without a doubt. Cute? That's stretching it, buddy.
In her latest escapade, Where Pooty At? Lenore goes off on a few tangents, remembers a forgotten thing or two, and plants her friends in the dirt because she's bored and wants to sprout more friends.
Let me explain.
Before I explain, though, I should mention we find out where Pooty's been at, well into the story. He's a bit annnoyed by not being found until then, but you'll see what I mean when you read this issue...Lenore can be a little scatter-brained at times, which is most of the time.
The dancing, prancing, and singing flower opening turns into a nightmare when an insistent, pollinating-minded bee wants to buzz around Ragamuffin's petals--
--Shoot, I suppose I should tell you up front that the dancing flower is Ragamuffin, the 400 year old vampire who fed on living flesh until he became a wormy, polyester rag doll and Lenore's fast friend, although she occasionally treats him pretty mean and insensitively, which is most of the time--
--Until Lenore insists on planting Ragamuffin up to his neck in dirt, producing some unexpected results, or really I should say unexpected for us because she's giddy with the results, as they turn out exactly as she hoped for, which doesn't happen most of the time--her expectations producing the desired results I mean.
Which leads to the Pooty part of the story when he's eventually found, though he's pissed it took so long to find him. Now Pooty's not a vampire or rag doll, he's just a minion of Hell who took a fancy to Lenore and decided to stick around after he was sent to bring her back after she got bored and left. He does have an odd head, or rather it's a bucket for a head, or maybe his head is just bucket-shaped. Either way he's not happy Lenore didn't find him sooner, so he sticks his trident in Ragamuffin's brains--though it wasn't Ragamuffin's fault at all--which look and taste a lot like cotton candy by the way, and so Lenore and Pooty can't help but munch on them. Reluctantly realizing it's not a very good thing to chew on Ragamuffin's brains, they stuff what's left back in.
They spend more time beating up on Ragamuffin by telling him all about the mean things they did to him while he slept--Lenore and Pooty kept scrapbooks--until Lenore buries Pooty bucket-neck deep in the dirt because she just can't have enough friends. He, of course, is now not so sure being found was a good thing.
There's more, but you should be able to get the gist of this issue by now. And it's in full color!