In this installment, those party-hardy members of The League of Tana Tea Drinkers ponder the vagaries of the future with a simple question: "What are you most looking forward to in 2010?" After they finish the chip and dip of course.
Day of the Woman: What Excites Her In 2010
The film was everything I wanted it to be and the exploding head was just the cherry on top of a perfect theatre experience.
Dinner With Max Jenke: 10 To Watch In '10
In considering what the future holds, it's worth remembering that some of 2009's most exciting films - like District 9 and Paranormal Activity - were completely off the radar right up to prior their releases. So who knows what (hopefully pleasant) surprises 2010 might deliver?
Freddy In Space: Looking Forward To Conventions
My first thought was what movie i'm most looking forward to this year but this is a pretty broad question and so i'm not gonna go that route. What i'm most looking forward to this year, in terms of the world of horror, is pretty much the same thing I look forward to the most every year - the conventions.
Cinema Fromage: What I'm Vaguely Excited About
Here’s a quick glimpse at a few upcoming horror flicks for 2010 that has this nerd a bit excited!
Monster Land: Looking Forward to 2010's Horror-esque Movies
Now that we’ve entered 2010. it’s time to put together the list of horror-esque films I’m looking forward to in the New Year.
Vault of Horror: Looking Forward To The Walking Dead On TV
Well, I thought long and hard about it, and lo and behold, it turns out that the one thing in horror I'm most looking forward to is not a movie, but a TV show.
Unspeakable Horror: Looking Forward To The Wolf Man
I am most looking forward to the remake of the Wolfman with Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins. For me, the original Wolfman is a touchstone of the horror genre--not to suggest that it achieved cinematic excellence, but it did achieve far-reaching influence.
Zombos' Closet: What I'd Like To See In 2010
I'd like to see more supernatural horror in the movie theater. Stories like Paranormal Activity and Drag Me to Hell were a welcome sight in 2009; especially after too many Torture Horror entries were given screen time.