I bid you welcome. Read freely, and enjoy this special League of Tana Tea Drinkers Halloween 2009 Special. But be warned; like reaching deeply into the bottom of a trick or treat bag after a long night of haunting for sweets, you never know what you may find...
Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies dives deep into their Halloween memory in search of the Creature From the Black Lagoon!
Every October I regress in age to that wide-eyed, still blessedly un-diabetic boy, with an insatiable craving for peanut-butter taffy and a strong desire to revisit those flicks that made me love horror in the first place. I've watched and re-watched them all over the years, and they never fail to return me to that innocent, enthusiastic place, where everything was yet to be discovered, and nothing--not even black-and-white films from the 30s, 40s, and 50s--was old.
TheoFantastique draws us a pretty picture of Halloween animation classics, from Linus to Bugs Bunny!
One of the great things that I associate with the fall and the Halloween season is a collection of animation that I have enjoyed over the years. As children in the not too distant past, viewers had to wait for the whims of the major networks to air these programs, but now with DVDs, the Internet, and YouTube it is possible to add these materials to a video collection, and to enjoy them any time the viewer likes. With this post I will share several animated programs that I have enjoyed over the years.
Dinner With Max Jenke scares up the Season of the Witch in Halloween III!
Rather than a thug in overalls slaughtering promiscuous teens, Season of the Witch instead offered up a certifiably zany plot involving no less than Stonehenge, pagan magic, killer robots, and Halloween masks with frigging laser beams. Far-fetched? Hard to swallow? Bat-sh*t insane? Yep, Season of the Witch is all of that.
Cinema Suicide provides us with mood music for a Halloween night!
The general Halloween aesthetic has a tendency to put the brakes on my wildly fluctuating taste in rock and for the entire month, a few days leading up to and a few days trailing out of, my playlist stabilizes and all I listen to is music inspired by or directly related to Halloween, horror movies, the spooky and the scary. To illustrate my point, I present to you the following 13 examples of Halloweeny or horrifying music.
Day of the Woman carves up the history of Jack O'Lanterns!
The Irish brought the tradition of the Jack O'Lantern to America. But, the original Jack O'Lantern was not even a pumpkin.
Igloo of the Uncanny wonders what if? with An American Werewolf In London!
This isn't the first time I've watched An American Werewolf in London. It's my favorite horror film, so I've seen it a lot since my first viewing aged 11. Back then, armed with a clunky VHS recorder and a taped copy of the film, I learned to recite all the dialogue (this was before puberty kicked in). But don't worry, I'm not going to do that today.
Moon is a Dead World gets graphic with Wildstorm's Trick 'r Treat!
Surprisingly, the comic adaptation of Trick 'r Treat feels fairly consistent considering the use of four different artists. I love how the aspect of using references to other scenes comes into play with the comic as well as the movie; the only problem I had with this was that sometimes the characters look drastically different than they did in the other chapters.
Freddy In Space does Halloween right with UNICEF!
Ya ever feel like you wanna make a difference, at least in some small tiny little way? Well I feel that way today and I feel like I just might be in a position to do so. Most of us may be too old to Trick or Treat For UNICEF, but we're never too old to lend a helping hand to those who need it, so I've decided to launch the first annual Freddy In Space Trick 'r Treat For UNICEF campaign and I need YOUR help!
And room for one more...until part two.
Drunken Severed Head shares the Halloween reminiscences of Joe Moe!
Known for many years as a caretaker to Famous Monsters editor, punster, film fan and collector extraordinaire Forrest J Ackerman, Joe is a beloved, friendly figure on the horror film convention circuit.