Chindi spotted this unbelievable article regarding another instance of stupid parents doing stupid things; like taking kids to see Hostel: Part II, a film that has graphic castration, decapitation, cannibalism, vivisection, and really really rude townspeople.
Anthony Burch over at Filmwad can't believe it, either. And why this film isn't rated NC-17 boggles my mind. How many Hannibals are we mindlessly creating by bringing kids into a film that would terrify and disgust most adults?
What the hell is wrong with these people? I had nightmares for years after seeing Night of the Living Dead when I was twelve. But then there wasn't an any-stupid-idiot-can-understand-this ratings-guide available back then. Do we need to make a special ratings guide for idiots?
What will it take to get through to these people?