This is the movie that introduced the name for the Wilhelm Scream. Used in countless movies and television shows since Distant Drums (1951), including Star Wars, and Indiana Jones, you'll recognize it immediately when you hear it. It's like that solitary wolf-baying you hear in The Munsters and countless other movies and television series, one sound effect used over and over again; though, I'm not sure if that wolf howling has a specific name attached to it. In this movie the Private Wilhelm character gets an arrow in his leg and screams (well, sound effect added, of course) the Wilhelm Scream.
Other interesting things to note about this movie were the use of a View Master display to sell the 3D effect, and the cheesecake (and beefcake) used in promotion. The 3D color-in mat was creative, and the feather headband theater giveaway provided something for the matinee, drop the kids off at the theater, audiences.
Comic reader version: Download Charge at Feather River Pressbook
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