Kicking butt on the magazine racks in 1975 was Monster World, which would turn into Quasimodo's Monster Magazine by issue 3. I can offer no explanation for the title change, but unlike Cracked's For Monsters Only, and Famous Monsters of Filmland, the humor and monstermash shtick were kept at bay by more rational coverage of horror movies. Critics like to point out how cheaply the magazine was printed, but at least it was filled with more than space-filling cartoons and lazy-crazy-captioned pictures used to keep copy down to bare bones. In this issue Lon Chaney Sr. and Vincent Price have articles, written by Jeff Waisley and Kenneth Kirk, respectively and coverage on House of Whipcord, King Kong, Captain Kronos, Phantom of the Paradise, Frankenstein and the Monster From Hell, and the continuation of an article on Nightmare Theater by I. Sukaynick.