More gore in store for you in Terror Tales Vol. 9, issue 4. Lots of pages to spread the black bloody around too. It's funny but I'm not a fan of gore onscreen: I like my horror suspenseful and atmospheric, and with special effects or gore that fits into the storyline for a reason. But with horror comics, the fun is seeing how creatively the illustrator can render the terror, whether through gory scenes or beautifully horrible inky shadows filled with monsters and body parts. Of course, women victims seem to get the sharp edge wearing the least amount of clothing, whenever possible. Tells you something about illustrators for this stuff: like they're mostly men with some developmental issues. But their developmental issues are our gain, so yay all those troubling issues! Art therapy is good for the soul, right?
In this issue, a superb inside cover splash page starts things off (though I bet the full illustration is even more naughty), and The Headless Ones have an itch they can't scratch, which is a par for the course in Heads of Terror. And if the terror is not taking place on an island or a dungeon or a sinister house, there's always a cave to light a fire in and warm up the monsters, as in The Cave Monsters, with kinetic artwork by Ruben Marchionne. Only to be followed by another stunner by Alberto Macagno in River of Blood.
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