Cough, Cough, ah-choo! Oh…Hello. Sniff, sniff…
You’ll have to excuse me. Old Granny has been doing some cleaning here in the Crypt and it’s a little dusty. I’ve been looking for some old radio spots and I think I’ve found them.
Yesindeedy! Over there beside cousin Jasper’s tomb and behind some old shelves, I found a stack of old Famous Monsters of Filmland and World Famous Creatures magazines, and under them I found some radio spots for the 1954 movie “Them!,” the first big bug movie. These go ‘way back. I remember hearing about this movie when I was a wee little thing: It was one of my dad’s favorite movies. I really didn’t know what it was about…the title doesn’t give it away…and it wasn’t until I was older that I finally got to see it and understood what “them” was….or who “them” were…or who they were…or…
Anyway, here are the spots to Them!, a movie about GI-ANTS! Ahem, cough, sniff…
Them! Radio Spots: 15 seconds a, 15 seconds b, and 55 seconds to ant-tagonize your ears!

Do you have any radio spots you would like to share? Contact Granny (Gary Fox) at [email protected].