
The Pit and the Pendulum: More Radio Spots

Pit and the pendulum pressbook

The Pit and the Pendulum Pressbook Cover

Good old Granny lifted up her nephew, turned him upside down, and shook real hard to loosen up some more radio spots from The Pit and the Pendulum from his pockets. Here are a few 60, and one 90, minute spots for your time to be well spent. Bet you won’t be able to watch the movie ever again without hearing these ominous jingles playing in your head. Again and again. Like that blade that keeps on coming. Swoosh…swoosh…swoosh…

Pit and the Pendulum (60)b

Pit and the Pendulum (60)c

Pit and the Pendulum (60)d

Pit and the Pendulum (60)e

Pit and the Pendulum (60)f

Pit and the Pendulum (60)g

Pit and the Pendulum (90)

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