
The Land Unknown Radio Spots

The Land Unknown T-Rex

The Land Unknown T-Rex

Before he died, my Uncle Edgar used to say, “Life has a funny way of working things out.” He was a smart man. When he died, we saved his brain. It’s floating in a big jar of formaldehyde. I keep it in the dining room where he can be a part of the goings-on. We usually sit it out on a table on Halloween night so all the neighborhood monsters can come up and touch it if they like. Uncle Edgar likes being a part of the festivities.

Anyway, I was just sitting here in my old creaky rocking chair, watching the fire, and pondering which radio spots I should upload next when I suddenly received a batmail from sister Elviney, asking if I had seen the latest posting on Zombos Closet. I looked and, well, Old Zombos, clever fellow that he is, decided to highlight The Land Unknown’s excellent pressbook on his website. He must have known what all I was thinking, and I immediately knew what my weekly selection would be: The Land Unknown! Uncle Edgar was right.

The Land Unknown was a favorite movie of mine when I was a kid. I loved the dinosaurs and, even though they weren’t the best looking, they still fired my imagination. The use of miniatures, matte paintings and the combining of live-action into the miniature sets were pretty spectacular for 1957. The poster art was pretty good, too.

The 7” radio spot record I have only contains three spots, so I suspect it’s for the 1964 re-release. I’ve featured them all here.

So, enjoy these radio spots from one of Universal’s 1950’s thrillers! Uncle Edgar and I will be listening, too.

The Land Unknown (15)

The Land Unknown (30)

The Land Unknown (60)

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