
Shriek! Issue 1
May 1965

Like Castle of Frankenstein, Shriek! The Monster Horror Magazine, went for more sophisticated coverage of horror movies than most of the other monster magazines were striving for. With ample photographs not marred by humorous captions and it's three-column format, Shriek! was easy to read and didn't feel padded with unused space (like large text sizes used to fill a page in some magazines). One wonders why it didn't last: maybe its content coming from London proved too difficult to maintain; maybe, with Castle of Frankenstein already established, the need for another similar magazine never materialized; or maybe the logo and cover arrangements didn't stand out enough on the newstand racks? 

In this first issue, the Sovereign of the Sinister interview with Vincent Price begins, Isobel Black tells Shriek! about A Day in the Life of a Vampire, and Tallulah Bankhead is interviewed. ( Download Comic Reader Version of Shriek Issue 1)

Shriek issue 1

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Read Shriek! Issue 2

1 thought on “Shriek! Issue 1 <br>May 1965”

  1. more good stuff!
    as I recall it, Stefanie powers deserved to die in die die my darling because she was so feeble & could barely even run..
    & I love the description for batty bat & hairy tarantula #103.. lols

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