
Prehistoric Women (1950) Pressbook

Not to be confused with the Hammer produced Prehistoric Women (1967), this 1950 oddity is notable for its sexploitation angle that’s light on sex but heavy on the cheesecake. Here’s what I suppose the pitch might have been. “We get a bunch of beautiful women together, dress them in furs and go heavy on the makeup and hairstyling, toss in some clubs for them to use to find primitive men as husbands, add the usual battle of the sexes but make sure the guys show their superiority in the end, and, oh…save the budget by leaving out the dinosaurs. That stop-motion stuff gets expensive. And the sets will be dirt cheap, mainly because they are dirt, with some rocks for good measure. It is the stone-age right?”

And thus was born Prehistoric Women. What’s more dumbfoundingly mesmerizing than this movie (which, really, if shown during a midnight show would be perfect) is the 8-page, oversized pressbook that shows more creativity than the production itself. I’m guessing the creatives behind this held their tongues firmly in cheekiness, especially with the narrator lending the fake-science documentary flair that was a pompous addition to some movies in the early 1950s.

Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook

Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook Prehistoric Women 1950 pressbook

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