
In My Defense: Popcorn Movies Are Good

Popcorn movie I was pleasantly surprised to see mention of my review for Knowing at Cinefantastique Online. Steve Biodrowski, in citing my review, brings up a good point about my apparent contradiction calling Knowing a popcorn movie on the one hand, while raving about it on the other. So here is my short explanation.

The term popcorn movie has been used, mostly and usually, as a disparaging term for films that pander to a mass audience (and even smaller ones) while showing little or no creative or artistic effort, design, or thought. I understand this, but I choose to not use the term in this way.

Quite frankly, and sadly, a sizable amount of theater and straight to DVD movies, both horror and non-horror, can be categorized as popcorn movies if the term is used in this way, forcing it to lose the value, the sting of negativity, if you will, it was originally meant to convey. There is now an expectation of mediocrity in film production greater than the expectation of excellence; this renders the negative connotation, usually applied to the use of the term popcorn movie, superfluous.

I rather avoid this and use popcorn movie to mean a film worth seeing–whether it appeals to a mass audience or not–that is enjoyable on possibly many levels, including the emotional, psychological, and spiritual states one may experience while watching it, and being thought provoking as well. The film may be disturbing, enlightening, or just plain fun, but the bottom line is that you, the viewer, are left with a sense of "damn, that was good."  Using this, admittedly personal criteria, I consider Casablanca (my favorite film by the way), Citizen Kane, and Halloween popcorn movies, along with many others I have enjoyed watching, like Watchmen.

I was left with a sense of damn, that was good after seeing Knowing. I hope you experience the same.

LOTT D Horror Post Roundup

PickapostBeware! The archives have been unburied, and the hideous horrors released! For your entertainment and edification pleasure, of course. Members of the League of Tana Tea Drinkers dig deep to find their past misdeeds…and reveal them to you!

Blogue Macabre provides a timely public service announcement to help you prepare for the next zombie holocaust. So pay attention.

Mad Mad Mad Mad Movies gives 2.5 thumbs up for demon-antics in Amityville II: The Possession. It’s the .5 thumb that bothers me, though.

And Now the Screaming Starts hops in the saddle as Jesse James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter, and squares it all away with a nice little overview of director William “One Shot” Beaudine’s career. He isn’t called one shot for nothing!

The Drunken Severed Head gives us their best of the worst, in two parts no less! So head on over and get a heads up on the best of the worst posts they’ve dared to show us. So, just head on over so I can stop before I head into another heady pun!

Dinner With Max Jenke reveals their dream version of Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2. (Though it reads more like an hallucination, really.)

Knowing (2009)
Destiny In a Handbasket

Knowing 2009

Zombos Says: Excellent

That particular sequence caused me no end of headaches and nightmares, because we decided at an early stage to get it all in one continuous shot. So from the moment when the plane crashes into the freeway and goes breaking up and exploding into a field, Nic’s character then pursues, and runs into the maelstrom and tries to save people (from Alex Proyas interview).

I am taken aback by the negative–at Times, vitriolic– criticism for Nicolas Cage and director Alex Proyas’ dark, apocalyptic thriller Knowing; such disdain is usually reserved for horror films, not more mainstream fare. As he did in Dark City, Proyas conjures another sepia-toned vision of determinism, fate, and faith, and ratchets up the tension with three carefully crafted, special effects-laden scenes of death and destruction before finishing with an outstanding fourth. Cage, as astrophysicist John Koestler, portrays an everyman, quirks and all, coiled and held tight in the moments, filled with knowledge but mostly powerless. Borrowing the science fiction staples of pending global cataclysm (seen in 1951’s When Worlds Collide, slated to be remade in 2010 by Stephen Sommers), and celestial intervention, Knowing is an emotionally charged drama meticulously combining horror, science fiction, and fantasy conventions into an absorbing story worthy of more serious, and less caustic, critique.

The Last House on the Left (2009)
To What Purpose?

The Last House on the Left

Zombos Says: Good (And to the idiot who walked in at the movie’s midway point, sat down in front of me, and proceeded to chat on his cell phone until I had to tell him Miss Manners was looking for him in the lobby, I would have loved to have set that microwave on high with his poppin’ head in it.)

This film, for example, which as I write has inspired only one review (by “Fright”), has generated a spirited online discussion about whether you can kill someone by sticking their head in a microwave. Many argue that a microwave won’t operate with the door open. Others cite an early scene establishing that the microwave is “broken.” The question of whether one should microwave a man’s head never arises (from Roger Ebert’s review of  The Last House on the Left, 2009).

Of course, whether one should turn on the kitchen garbage disposal to mangle a person’s hand into bloody pulp, accompanied with stereophonic screams of agony, could be another philosophical question to ponder in this vicious–yet, oddly, less terrifying–remake of Wes Craven’s gut-wrenching 1972 interpretation of Ingmar Bergman’s The Virgin Spring. But philosophical ponderance is not often measured into horror movies as much as sadistic inhumanity. So to what purpose do I bathe in blood, along with the innocent and the damned, on this hellish, stormy, night of vengeance?

Last House on the Left The criminals who eventually rape and attempt to murder Mari (Sarah Paxton) are certainly depraved enough to warrant ill-treatment by her parents. But how far can her parents go before becoming just as depraved as her tormentors, and why do the rest of us choose to watch it all happen? For the suspense? There is none. For the terror? We know what is going to happen so there is no terror. To watch normal people act abnormally when driven beyond the edge of reason? A strong possibility here, especially if those abnormal acts include suffering, redder gore, and darker death; key thematic elements in many horror movies.

At least Ingmar Bergman put God squarely in the middle of his story, forcing guilt and shame on the parents who mete out vengeance to their daughter’s killers. You will not find emphasis on a divine presence in this latest incarnation of a story that really did not need to be retold. No guilt or shame, either. There is lots of ungodly loud, screeching music though, like bones dragged across a chalkboard. Unless you are entertained by the  creative ways directors and writers emphasize these thematic elements, there is not much here for you. But if you are, you will especially enjoy the totally gratuitous ending involving a microwave and a deliberately paralyzed sadist. If you’ve seen Gremlins, you know what to expect.

Leading up to the poppin’ head gag, as I like to call it, are the usual characters found mucking about in horror cinema; there is the psycho-witch-bitch girlfriend, Sadie (creepily played by Riki Lindhome), who, I am sure, pulled the arms off of little boys (and girls) while she was growing up; led by the snake-oil-salesman cool, sociopathic boyfriend, Krug (Garret Dillahunt), who easily attracts psycho-witch-bitch type women; followed by the tag-along guy, Francis (weasily played by Fred Podowski) who likes to watch as the other two go medieval-crazy on their victims.There is also the withdrawn, confused son of Krug, Justin (youthfully played by Spencer Treat Clark), who is not all that comfortable associating with the other three. A brief mention of his dead mom makes you wonder how she died.

Setting calamity in motion is Mari’s friend Paige (perkily played by Martha MacIsaac), who insists on following Justin back to his motel room to sample his stash of primo weed. Mari, tired of waiting in the car, enters the room and finds Justin and Paige puffing away. Mari gives into Paige’s insistence to join them, and starts puffing away, too. This being a horror film, you know Paige and Mari must now suffer and die for smoking weed, even if it is the good stuff. Justin’s severely maladjusted family enters the room to fulfill that invariable rule.

Taken into the woods, Mari and Paige are dutifully tormented, Mari is humiliated and raped, and Paige is murdered. While not as emotionally disturbing as Wes Craven originally directed it in 1972, their torment is still brutal and unpleasant to watch. Unable to leave the way they came, Krug, Sadie, Francis, and Justin head through the dark woods to the last house on the left (actually, it looked like it was the only house on that road), where Mr. and Mrs. Collingwood, Mari’s parents, put them up for the night. Barely alive, Mari manages to crawl back home and alert her parents to the true natures of their house guests. Much blood-soaked mayhem ensues.

I hope this is the last version of The Virgin Spring we will be tormented with. While the acting, direction, and writing are all very well done, fans of horror have been taken down this road too often already.

Graphic Book Review: Simon Dark’s Gotham City

Simon DarkLurks in Shadows. Hides in the park.
Simon. Simon. Simon Dark.
If you're good he'll stay away.
If you're bad he'll make you pay.
Lurks in Shadows. Hides in the park.
Simon. Simon. Simon Dark.

Zombos Says: Very Good

Simon Dark's first two graphic novels, What Simon Does (collecting issues 1 through 6) and Ashes (collecting issues 7 through 12), must be read together. The first sets up Simon's bizarre background and the second delivers the main storyline of Lovecraftian-styled witchcraft, which depends on that set up. Mixing fairly equal parts of mystery, occult science, and recognizable horror elements such as the Gothic, a creepy-looking sack-like mask, and conniving robed worshipers of demonic beings, Steve Niles builds an effectively darker Gotham City than even Batman deals with. This atmosphere is further enhanced through Niles' characters, those both good and evil, who either aid or hinder Simon Dark in his continuing battle with the dark side, and in his search to understand his ultimate purpose for being.

These characters are arrestingly drawn by Scott Hampton, who makes Simon's world properly Gothic, but perhaps a little too dark at times. His carefully stylized, foreground-heavy, panels flow across pages like single frames in a movie, creating images that are  static and posed, and lacking an internal dynamism. He reminds me of Al Williamson, although not as detailed when drawing background imagery. Hampton's unique faces are like portraits and they play an important role in his composition by generating emotional depth with their sober expressions; at first, this near photo-realistic approach is elegantly novel, but it can lead to confusion between the two heroines; a pathologist, Beth Granger, and Simon's soulmate, Rachel Dodds, when their features blur into similarity as dire events involving them unfold . Rereading clears up this confusion (along with clothing cues I missed initially), but more detail and less black in the scenes would have mitigated this.

Interview With Anton Strout
An Urban Fantasy

Deader Still

It was around midnight when author Anton Strout left the Penguin Group offices. Hustle and bustle, bustle and hustle, had filled his day, and now he was heading to the Cafe Borgia on Bleecker Street to coax a little more bustle from his tired brain, hoping to finish book three of his four book contract for Simon Canderous, the Department of Extraordinary Affairs’ lone psychometrist, and his series of urban fantasy adventures.

With thoughts of Earl Grey, Oolong, and perhaps even–would he be so adventurous?–green tea buzzing around his gray cells as he briskly walked through the streets of Greenwich Village, he did not notice one of his shoelaces had come undone; that is, until he tripped head first onto the pavement. As he regained his composure and tied the lace with a tight double-knot, he noticed the edge of a bright gold disc sticking out from under his heel. He moved his foot, picked up the disc, and adjusted his glasses and his position to the street light to get a better view. Well I’ll be…it’s a gold coin, he thought, moving his lips as if he were about to whistle.

“Ow! Yer got me fer sure, that’s the truth.”

Anton Strout looked around, then down. A two-foot tall fellow looked up at him. He wore a bright green jogging suit, large Nike Air Zoom Dunkesto Blue sneakers–he had unusually large feet for such a small fellow–and a bright yellow cap covered his blazing red hair. Anton Strout re-adjusted his glasses, blinked his eyes a few times, and moved his lips in a soundless whistle again.

“If’n it’s not Madoff makin’ off with all me savin’s, and this blasted recession puttin’ the touch onta me investments, now I’ve gone an’ spilled a coin of me precious realm and you’s there at the wrongest of moments. Well, I spose you’ll be wantin’ me treasure, then? C’mon man, close yer mouth and exercise yer wits, I hain’t got all night.” The small fellow tapped his big right foot with impatience.

A cell phone started ringing. They looked at each other.

“Well, t’isn’t mine. I got Flogging Molly’s Black Friday Rule on mine, yer know.”

“Oh, sorry.” Anton Strout answered his cell phone. “Yes, this is he. Who? ILoz Zuc? What’s that? Oh, you mean you’re ILoz Zoc, Zombos’s butler. What’s that? Sorry, valet then. From where? Oh, I see, you want to do an interview? Sure, how about I call…what? You want to do the interview now? Well, I’m in the middle of…? Okay, look, give me a minute and I’ll call you right back, ok? Okay, fine.”

The small fellow stopped tapping his right foot and started tapping his big left foot. Faster.

“Now what’s this about your treasure? Are we talking hundreds, thousands?” asked Anton Strout, putting his cell phone away. Thoughts of cool ocean breezes, frothy banana daiquiris, and sleep-filled nights joined to leisurely-paced days replaced those of teas and slushy piles.

“Now t’would a self-respectin’ gentleman like me self, who’s been round these parts fer many a summer, be frettin’ o’er a measlin’ thousands? Me fine young man, t’is the overflowin’ pot o’gold you’ve tripped into, and wealth beyond yer beyondist dreams. Enough to keep yer in honey and clover, ten times ten times ten times over. And just me luck, too. I knew I should’a not been so stingy and taken a cab. Oh, well. But time’s a wastin’ and I got–”

Anton Strout’s cell phone rang again. “Sorry.” He answered it. “Hello? Oh, listen Ilzoc–sorry, Zoc then. I’m kind of busy right now and, what’s that? You’ve sent the questions by text message? Alright. Alright, I’ll take a look and get back to you.” As he flipped the cell phone open to view the message, the gold coin slipped out of his hand. Before it could drop to the pavement, the little fellow snatched it away with a smile bigger than his feet. Like the Chesire Cat, that smile lingered a long moment after the rest of him vanished in a puff of smoke.

“Oh, dear,” said Anton Strout to no one in particular.

His cell phone started ringing again. He looked down at the pavement one last time before continuing his walk to Cafe Borgia. When he got there, he ordered Earl Grey tea and poured lots of honey into it. It still tasted bitter. He answered the interview questions, worked some more on his third novel, and always kept his eyes glued to the pavement when he walked the long way home every night from then on.


How did a nice writer like you get caught up in urban fantasy? Why not write some nasty horror, or high-brow sci-fi epic?

I never set out with a goal in mind or even a genre-oriented thought. I just had an idea about a guy who had this power of psychometry, but he wasn’t the best at controlling it. It’s not the first thing I wrote, but it’s probably my favorite and I was lucky when I finished because I looked at it and said, “Oh, huh! There’s a genre called urban fantasy that this falls into… neat!” That, and I really missed Buffy, so I wanted to do some horror with humor.

What was Anton Strout like as a kid?

I was devilishly handsome and the star quarterback of the football team who made the winning touchdown at the state championship. Or not. I was an only child who loved watching those Americanized bad imports of Star Blazers and Battle of the Planets. I built Lego starships with the two other nerd kids in my hometown. Around ten my friend introduced me to my now lifelong love affair with Dungeons and Dragons. We were the kind of kids who would put on motorcycle helmets to beat on each other with fake swords we made behind the teacher’s back in woodshop. We’d get together with friends and shoot Roman Candles at each other’s cardboard armor, casting “Magic Missile.” Good times… it’s amazing I don’t have more scar tissue. Warning: Kids, don’t try this at home! Everyone else, don’t do it either… apparently–and this is a little known fact–cardboard is VERY flammable!

Writing is a tough job. How do you keep up your motivation and your energy?

I have these things called deadlines and they pay me money for turning my books in. Those are pretty good motivators… that and the fact that since my day job is in publishing, my editor happens to be just down the hall and will come kill me if I don’t deliver. Also, it’s a tough job, but it’s a job I love to do. It would be like paying me to play D&D for a living. And there’s also the reward of sharing my stories and having discussions with people about them… it’s a very driving force.

That said, there are days I just tell myself to sit the hell down and write cuz ya gotta. But more often than not, I’m happy to be doing it and feel lucky that I get to share the stories in my brain meat with others.

As an editor, can you give us some insight into the pitfalls a newbie should watch out for when writing that great first novel? And also some advice from your author’s side?

I’m only an editor when I’m working on my own books to turn them in in a writer’s capacity. My day job is in paperback sales.. but here’s some advice to the newbie.

Your brain hates you. It will go to great lengths to try and stop you from writing with many a distraction. Tough. Sit your ass down and write. It doesn’t have to be perfect, or even close to perfect, as long as it gets down on the page. It’s a lot easier to edit and rewrite 300 pages of something than it is 0 pages of nothing. It’s okay to suck when you’re writing your book. It’s called a FIRST draft for a reason, implying many other drafts to follow. So go get your suck on!

Where do you see the book publishing field in ten years, given the Internet, ebooks, and the print on demand aspects of our modern age?

I think paper books will always be around. I think there’s something about the tactile sensation of holding a book in your hands that just won’t go away. We see magazines going only digital because of production and distribution costs, but I think books are safe for now. My day job is in the sales department at Penguin Group, and I see the industry as a whole looking at ways to expand into the digital markets. It’s a slow build because it’s uncharted water for a lot of them, but I think certain formats will hold. Kindle, Sony Reader, iPhone apps… also, with the current economy, the mass market price point is looking really good to people right now who had declared its death knell in the face of abundant trade paperbacks.

Who are your favorite authors and how have they influenced your writing?

I think my humorous writing style is a blend of my love of Douglas Adams, Robert Asprin, and Joss Whedon. I’m also a huge Lovecraft and Stephen King fan, which I think explains the darker side of what I write in urban fantasy. I think if I saw any of the horrors in those books in real life, I’d have to quip and make fun of them to keep my own sanity, which is what a lot of my characters do to keep from the darkness.

Tell us about your blog.

There’s two, really. One is my Livejournal, under the cryptic moniker antonstrout, which people often wonder why Anton’s Trout has a blog. I assure you, he does not. That’s my dumping ground for all things personal and professional, with a bit of helpful writer advice thrown in ever so sparingly now and again. The other blog is The League of Reluctant Adults, a group blog with about 17 other genre writers. There’s drinking, swearing, poop jokes… that’s where more of the authorial shenanigans come out. I encourage everyone to stop by.

What’s the one question you would love to be asked, and what’s your answer?

Can we pay you enough so you can stop doing two jobs and just write for a living? My answer is: Where do I sign?


Graphic Book Review: Lansdale’s Pigeons From Hell

Blassenville ManorThe figure had moved into the bar of moonlight now, and Griswell recognized it. Then he saw Branner's face, and a shriek burst from Griswell's lips. Branner's face was bloodless, corpse-like; gouts of blood dripped darkly down it; his eyes were glassy and set, and blood oozed from the great gash which cleft the crown of his head! — Robert E. Howard, Pigeons From Hell

Zombos Says: Very Good

Robert E. Howard's 1938 southern gothic short story, Pigeons From Hell, has seen television and comic book adaptations. For television, Boris Karloff's Thriller delivered a straightforward and chilling episode, minus most of the racial underpinning and family curse-inducing miscegenation, written by John Kneubuhl and directed by John Newland (who directed Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond). In the graphic novel format, Scott Hampton illustrated Howard's classic horror story in 1988 for Eclipse Comics, creating an atmospheric narrative of the evil stalking the Blassenvilles in conservatively painted imagery.

Author Joe R. Lansdale adds his touch to the original story in a four-issue series from Dark Horse Comics, now released in trade paperback. Keeping the core elements of voodoo and spellcraft surrounding the decaying antebellum mansion while updating the characters for a younger audience, and dropping Howard's zuvembie hoodoo in favor of the more nebulous shadow in the corn, Lansdale adapts the storyline without losing too much of the lingering dread, inherent injustice, and fearful moral decay permeating Howard's tale; but in moving the story from its overtly prejudicial time period and place, then switching the cultural and racial orientation of important characters–particularly the sheriff–and dropping zuvembie from the story's explanation, Lansdale lessens the effect of Howard's uncanny and evocative horror in favor of plot elements more familiar to today's stalker-with-a-machete-minded audience.

Coraline (2009)
Sweet Without Sugar

Coraline Zombos Says: Excellent 

The cat dropped the rat between its two front paws. “There are those,” it said with a sigh, in tones as smooth as oiled silk, “who have suggested that the tendency of a cat to play with its prey is a merciful one–after all, it permits the occasional funny little running snack to escape, from time to time. How often does your dinner get to escape?” (Neil Gaiman in the novel Coraline)

Right after seeing Coraline, an urge to read the novel drove me straight to the bookstore. I needed to know more of Neil Gaiman’s tale of Coraline Jones and the bizarre neighbors and ancient wickedness living in her new home. I needed to know how much of the literary story was captured in Henry Selick’s stop-motion animated screenplay. With a dad-playing piano, glowing flowers and snapdragons that really snapped, and a peculiar room where giant bugs are the furniture, I was curious. Gaiman might be that odd individual with sleeping dust in his side-pockets, a razor-sharp, barely chipped axe in his hip pocket, and a candle flame floating to and fro behind his eyes, but the visual tone of Coraline, the movie, is dark but strikingly peppered with color, making it festive and morose and desolate and cheerful all at once. There is no brave little mouse, no fumbling robots, no dancing zoo animals to liven up culturally proscribed moral lessons because there are no moral lessons. Coraline, without the usual spoonful of sugary-animated, paternally medicinal Hollywood characters, is a Halloween treat in February that goes down smashingly well without the sweetness.

Who You Gonna Call?
Mattel’s New Ghostbusters!


I snapped this picture of  Mattel’s new 12-inch Ghostbusters line at the New York Comic Con 2009. With fabric clothes, great detailing, and ghost-detection and entrapment accessories that put Grant and Jason of Ghostbusters to shame, these figures are simply awesome.

Mattel’s “Ghostbusters” collectible line debuts with 12-inch figures in June 2009, and will be available exclusively at Mattycollector.com.

Each figure will feature window box packaging and include authentic Ghostbuster equipment unique to each character. For the first time, Mattel’s line will include talent likeness of Egon Spengler, Ray Stantz,
Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddemore.


The Uninvited (2009)

The Uninvited (2009) Zombos Says: Excellent

The mind is a poor host at times, bringing in uninvited nightmares when least expected and most unwanted. In this American remake of A Tale of Two Sisters, those uninvited, bake-eiga-styled nightmares haunt Anna’s dreams and waking moments, whether in her darkened bedroom or in the sunlight-bright hallways of her nooks and crannies shorefront home. And while that may be disconcerting for Anna (Emily Browning), it certainly is a good thing for us. Directors Thomas and Charles Guard’s The Uninvited is deftly handled with splendid and unexpected–for a horror movie– photography, real acting, and suspenseful pacing that places it well above the usual horror affair of blood spatters, screams, and more bloody spatters. This is classy horror at its best.

Mystery surrounds Anna’s release from a psychiatric hospital. Ten months earlier her invalid mother died in a fiery explosion and Anna has no memory of that night, but she does have a recurring dream in which the spectre of a red-haired girl, very fresh-from-the-grave looking, tells her “not to go out.” Her therapist, not entirely sure of what it all means, still considers Anna well enough to leave the hospital. While you already have an inkling this may not be the best therapeutic course of action for her, it does set up the frights when she returns home. (Hint: pay close attention to Anna’s friend in the hospital who complains she will have no one to tell her stories to when Anna leaves.)

The Mummy (1932)
It Comes to Life! Part 3

Boris Karloff in The MummyConsidering how early it came in the horror cycle, it is surprising how restrained and unsensational The Mummy is. On the other hand it is that very restraint that helps to make it a classic. If one accepts The Bride of Frankenstein for its theatre and The Body Snatcher for its literacy, then one must regard The Mummy as the closest that Hollywood ever came to creating a poem out of horror. — William K. Everson, Classics of the Horror Film


When Helen arrives at the closed museum, both Frank and his father, Sir Joseph, are about to drive off. They watch her as she tries to open the front door, and Frank is soon within arm’s reach when she swoons. He sweeps her up in his arms and they take her to their apartment, where Dr. Muller arrives moments later. As Sir Joseph and Dr. Muller discuss the matter, Ardath Bey, still at the museum intoning his spell, is interrupted by a guard and extinguishes the small oil lamp he used to read the scroll. A circle of light from the guard’s flashlight searches the room and finds Bey crouching in a corner. The guard turns on the lights and starts yelling at Bey, who, with complete calm, walks away. Chasing after him, both the guard and Bey go off screen. The guard’s voice drops to a stifled gurgle as he’s murdered, although no sign of harm can be found on his body later. In the tussle, Bey drops the scroll. Leaving Helen and Frank at the apartment, Sir Joseph and Dr. Muller go to the museum after they receive a phone call alerting them to the murder, and discover that the scroll, lost then years ago, is now in their hands. They return to the apartment with it, and, along with Frank, retreat to Sir Joseph’s study to discuss what it all means.

Once Again, The Apocalypse (but now due 2012)

The 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse Nice to see the apocalypse has been rescheduled. Like one of those near endless Friday the 13th sequels, you just can’t keep a good hoax down. But now the date is 2012, so I hope you can wait. I know the suspense is simply killing me.

Fueled by a crop of books, Web sites with countdown clocks, and claims about ancient timekeepers, interest is growing in what some see as the dawn of a new era, and others as an expiration date for Earth: December 21, 2012.

Read all about it before it’s too late: Apocalypse in 2012? Date Spawns Theories, Films…