
My Halloween: My Scary Halloween

2340_Scary2011Five questions asked over a glowing Jack o’Lantern, under an Autumn moon obscured by passing clouds…in between mouthfuls of candy corn…with My Scary Halloween.

Why is Halloween important to you?

At some point we all leave our childhoods behind and with it a treasure trove of make-believe, candy, and the wonder that one night a year ghosts and witches do exist. Halloween allows me to reconnect with that childhood wonder and in that moment that sense of fascination recharges my creative soul for an entire year.

Describe your ideal Halloween.

I love my Halloween scary – from the front porch where kids are greeted with macabre yard haunt, to the decorations that fill my house with a very spooky atmosphere – every detail is carefully considered. In the background a horror movie is playing, or perhaps a playlist of my favorite Halloween music. I usually have a few friends over to hand out candy, tell ghost stories, and enjoy a warm bowl of Autumn stew. After the activities fade and I am alone, I watch horror movies until late at night when the last of the pumpkin scented candle burns out.

What Halloween collectibles do you cherish, or hate, or both?

I collect a Halloween village and every year I spend a month putting it together. I build platforms, carve rocks out of foam, and wire the whole thing together (pictures are on my website). This is a fascinating hobby for me and I’ve learned things like engineering, electrical wiring, woodworking and painting – all the same things I’ve put into use in my own actual home.

When was your very first Halloween, the one where you really knew it was Halloween, and how was it?

I don’t have many memories of celebrating Halloween as a kid. One of my most memorable Halloweens was my first year in San Francisco. The Castro neighborhood put on quite a big “show” and the costumes were incredible. One woman was being wheeled around in a phone booth covered with crows in homage to The Birds, and of course, there were the 8-foot-tall drag queens with headdresses that practically reached the traffic lights. I’d never seen anything like it (or since).

What’s the one Halloween question you want to be asked and what’s your answer?

Q: Do you want to go trick r’ treating?

A: Yes! Let me grab a bucket.

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