
My Halloween: Monster Cafe Saltillo

BEN COOPER DEVIL COSTUMEFive questions asked over a glowing Jack o’Lantern, under an Autumn moon obscured by passing clouds…from Hurricane Sandy…in between mouthfuls of candy corn…with Monster Cafe Saltillo man Matthew Green…

Why is Halloween important to you?

It represents dress up time. I love the whole spookyness of it. Dress up time is so important to me. I have always had the acting bug. I am SURE Halloween was a start in heading down that direction. I even graduated from AADA in New York. The opportunity to play other people and dress up is thrilling.

As for favorite costume I can only go with the Ben Cooper line. They had such imagination when it came to costumes and individual choice. Nothing was off limits. I always liked Dracula because of the cape.

Describe your ideal Halloween.

Now I celebrate it all year round. I created Monster Cafe because I love the holiday so much. So for now having Monster Cafe filled with people and teaching them the Monsters, there is no greater thrill.

What Halloween collectibles do you cherish, or hate, or both?

I cherish pretty much anything from the seventies. The halloween blowmolds for one. I HATE kiddie halloween stuff. Pretty much anything smiling. Save that for Christmas.

When was your very first Halloween, the one where you really knew it was Halloween?

I was probably 5 or so. I was the Ben Cooper Spiderman. A friend I have till this day whose name is Dale…he was the Devil Ben Cooper. We MET on Halloween night.


What’s the one Halloween question you want to be asked and what’s your answer?

Q: Do I have any Halloween collectibles?

A: No. They got lost in the fire of 1991.



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