
Monster Times Issue 43
September 1975

Issue 43 of The Monster Times looks at demons and devils in movies and comics. The Exorcist, Rosemary's Baby, Night of the Demon, Haxan, and a lot of lesser demons and devils get face time. Those Lousy Lovecraft Films ponders why demons leave home, and Ban It Yourself Exorcism Products takes a page or two out of Cracked's For Monsters Only book of zany. Even Captain Kirk gets into the action (he always did, didn't he?) with a rundown on all the devils banished in Star Trek. A first rate TMT issue, entertaining and informative, all around. By 1975, the monsterkid craze was a fond memory, but it had mutated into something greater: now it was the time of the monsterteens, who gobbled up everything on comics and contemporary horror movies they could sink their teeth into.

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