
Horror Tales Vol. 4 Issue 5
August 1972

Take a gander at the inside ad in this issue 5, volume 4, of Horror Tales. So, is YOUR hair growing or going? Did the advertiser think aging and balding adults (such as myself) were buying this issue way back in 1972? Around that time I was a much younger version of myself who could care less. Now I'm an adult paying extortion prices on eBay to recapture that glorious time when I had more hair on my head than in my ears, and a newstand filled with 60 cent magazines. Did I pay any attention to ads like this back then? Certainly not. Which is why it's so irksome to me now. It's like some cosmic deity was giving me a hint of my future.

At least this issue has some hair raising thrills for you. Voodoo's Queen of Witchcraft will stimulate those winnowing hair follicles while Deadly Fangs toys with you, and the Ghost Writer tells a tale of Zombie Vengeance, which should bring the writers among  us a certain unpleasant sense of familiarity. 

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