Greetings, My Children!
Old Granny Creech here just bursting with excitement! Why? Because it’s Halloween week!
Things have been very busy in Squirrel Hollow because we’ve all been getting ready for our annual Monster Bash at the Witchwood Cemetery late Halloween night. It promises to be the best ever as we have a lot of new residents eagerly waiting to join the festivities.
For this installment of radio spots, I’ve decided to feature 15 odds-and-ends that capture the wide spectrum of spooks and apparitions that will surely make an appearance at your house this Halloween evening to terrorize and torment you. I hope you appease them with some delectable treat of some sort, dead or…alive (hee hee). These spots are from my collection and that of the old cadaver himself, The Radio Reaper.
I’ll be back next week to see how you all survived and to give a report on the ghastly goings-on at the Bash. Oh…and by the way…you are invited if you dare to come and join in the fun after you’ve finished appeasing the little monsters that come to your door. The party starts at midnight. Just wear your favorite disguise or, if you are scary enough, just come as you are. We all will be there. There will be lots to do and goodies to eat. Plus, lots of my Witch’s Brew to go around!
I hope to see you there! Bring a date, if you can dig one up. And, remember: “Don’t spook until you’re spooken too!” Beware!
Happy Halloween!!
4D Man, Circus of Horrors, The Blob and Dinosaurus Radio Spots
The Creeping Flesh, The Green Slime, The Haunted Strangler, The Thing From Another World, Thirteen Ghosts (Lobby Spot) Radio Spots