
Three Stooges Photo Printing Set

There are a few toys from my younger days that I’d love to have again: My Favorite Martian Magic Set is one and, were I to name the single most important toy nearest and dearest to me, it would have to be the Famous Monsters Yankee Photo Printing Set.

I came across these 3 Stooges Photo Printing Set images on eBay a few years ago. I wouldn’t mind having this kit, either. The chemicals, mixing trays, and orange bulb you see here are the same for the Famous Monsters Set, only the 10 negatives you get are different, of course.

The process involved placing the negative on a wallet-sized photographic paper, exposing the combination to a strong white light, then popping in the orange bulb to make your own darkroom (my bedroom floor) for developing the photograph using the chemicals and mixing trays. I’ve no doubt the mixing solutions were highly toxic. Didn’t care, still don’t. For me, this was probably the best toy offered in the pages of Famous Monsters of Filmland.

I sure got my money’s worth.

3 stooges photo printing kit


3 stooges photo printing kit

famous monsters photo printing kit

2 thoughts on “Three Stooges Photo Printing Set”

  1. Hey, now that you’ve mentioned colorforms…I have a great Ghostbusters (tv version) I should crack open and show off. Thanks!

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