I posted the Anglo Amalgamated pressbook back in 2019. Here’s the American Leasing Corporation’s campaign manual for Day the World Ended and The Phantom from 10,000 Leagues. Day the World Ended cost around $96,000 to produce, but raked in a nifty $400,000 at the box office. The highlight of the movie is the mutated monster (lovingly known as Marty) created by Paul Blaisdell. Due to the foam rubber construction, getting it wet caused near drowning for Paul, who liked to play what he created in spite of the challenges. While the movie is a cheapie done in 10 days, it is now a classic B terror because of its cold war fear, good and simple story, the necessarily tight scene framing on a budget (using the Bronson Caverns and the Sportsman’s Lodge restaurant’s pond at Ventura Boulevard in San Fernando Valley), and monster Marty, looking somewhat goofy if you’re an adult, but very terrifying if you’re not. Corman and his crew had to end shooting at the pond by the time the restaurant opened for dinner.