
Children Shouldn’t Play
With Dead Things
Radio Spots!

Children Shouldn't play with dead things zombie

Direct to you from The Radio Reaper’s not so small reliquary (by way of Granny Creech’s overgrown backyard, through some creepy woods, and now here at last, are the almost endless radio spots for the creepy cult favorite: Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things (1972). It starts off as a horror comedy but gets dark and deadly as the children learn their terminal lessons. This is one of those movies best experienced on VHS, but hell, digital is easier to use these days. For 50 grand, you get a slow but really eerie story where you wind up rooting for the zombies (yeah, admit it, you always root for the zombies, you sick bastard). Stay tuned as we have thousands of cool radio spots just itching to light up your night, courtesy of two very generous horror hoarders, Granny Creech and The Radio Reaper. 

Here are some creepy radio spots to devour!




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