
Chasing Trouble (1940) Pressbook

Frankie Darro starred (more or less with the dog, Rinty) in The Wolf Dog (1933) serial and other actioners from Mascot. He had a big role in The Phantom Empire serial in 1935. His small stature and youthful looks kept him into young roles for a while until his age caught up with him. He also starred, along with Mantan Moreland, in movies like this one for Monogram. He also did a lot of television work. Notably, Mantan Moreland receives barely a mention in the pressbook as an “ace colored comic.” Moreland was, for a moment, considered as a replacement for Shemp in the Three Stooges, but that did not happen. He would have been awesome.

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Chasing Trouble 01

Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01
Chasing Trouble 01

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