
Pressbooks (Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy)

Movie Pressbook: Two on a Guillotine Part 1

You can see the effect television had on the 1960s movie industry in this 27  page, 11 x 17 inches, Warner Brothers pressbook for Two on a Guillotine. There’s a wealth of promotional material for the theater to sell this movie: a horror kit, “heady” television spot, Internation Brotherhood of Magicians (IBM) tie-ins, giveaway herald, fright insurance, and exploitation stunts galore.

Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook
Two on a Guillotine Pressbook


Movie Pressbook: Tarzan’s Fight for Life

Tony Rivers, from the Classic Horror Film Board, guides us through the jungle one more time with Tarzan’s Fight for Life pressbook……Tony says: “Here’s the last of my Tarzan pressbooks (for now; still looking to get TARZAN’S HIDDEN JUNGLE again to replace the one I had), a 12 page MGM pressbook celebrating the 40th anniversary of Tarzan back in 1958. [The movie] has Jane (Eve Brent) and “Tartu” (shortened version of Tarzan2 or a new version of Boy) and native tribes causing unrest in the jungle. Tarzan to the rescue. Jil Jarmyn, who plays Ann Sturdy, lost out for the role of Jane to Eve Brent as they were the two finalists for the role. They made the right choice!”

Note: Due to a scanning faux pas, a line of text is repeated in the middle column on page 4. Oops.

tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook
tarzan's fight for life pressbook

Movie Pressbook: The Beast From
20,000 Fathoms Part 1

Here’s a nifty holiday treat: the 24 page, 11 x 17 inches, pressbook for The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms. Lots of promotional gimmicks for the theater and great ad mat art set this baby on fire. One amusing story concerning this movie, as told by Ray Bradbury, is how the producers forgot to include him in the payroll, especially since his short story, The Fog Horn, was the basis for the Beast. He let them know of their oversight, they quickly shot a check over with thanks.

the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook

the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook
the beast from 20,000 fathoms pressbook

Movie Pressbook: Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure (1959)

Courtesy of Tony River (Teenage Horror Factory) comes this Paramount Showmanship Manual (aka pressbook) for Gordon Scott’s Tarzan’s Greatest Adventure. Tony says: “Here’s the 8 page press book for one of the best Tarzan movies, TARZAN’S GREATEST ADVENTURE. The middle 2 pages are like one large page with ads in the middle.” Note: You can see the double-page spread for pages 4 and 5, and following it, the separate adverts closeup.

tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook
tarzan's greatest adventure pressbook