
Pressbooks (Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy)

This Island Earth (1955) Pressbook

Thanks to Terry Michitsch, pressbook, sci fi, and Ray Harryhausen aficionado, for providing these scans of the This Island Earth pressbook. One of my favorite monsters, the Metaluna Mutant, perks up this movie, as does the story of a dying world overwhelmed by war. No matter what anyone says, I like the slick slacks MM is wearing. Sure, he was supposed to have  bare legs showing, but the special effects people had some trouble with that. So pants it is. 

Comic book reader version: Download This Island Earth Pressbook

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This Island Earth Pressbook 1

Spook Show Window Card

Here’s a wonderfully evocative window card for a monster-filled spook show. At the top is blank space (more than shown in this photograph) to accomodate the local theater’s location, and the date and time for the show. This generic card touts the monsters to appear live on stage, but not who would be playing them. 

spook show window card