
Pressbooks (Horror, Sci Fi, Fantasy)

At the Earth’s Core (1976) Pressbook

An enjoyable Amicus and AIP offering, even if  Mystery Science Theater 3000 poked fun at it (although that was enjoyable too). Caroline Munro and Peter Cushing are always engaging, and Doug McClure may have hit a rough patch in his acting career, but he presents a solid character to deal with all the mayhem. The flying creatures are jaw-dropping, but I'd still want a model kit or vinyl figure depicting one of them. See more movie pressbooks From Zombos' Closet.

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At the Earth's Core Pressbook

First Men in the Moon (1964) Pressbook

Here's the pressbook for First Men in the Moon, another memorable Ray Harryhausen effects movie. Of course, CGI makes it all look very easy these days. While the science is off, the art direction is imaginative and the movie is fun to watch. Thanks to ZC reader Terry Michitsch for requesting this one: I thought I had posted it years ago. Yup, my organizing skills are awful and my closet is too big.

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First Men in the Moon Pressbook 00

Dr. Terror’s House of Horrors (1965)
British Pressbook

I saw Dr. Terror's House of Horrors on the big screen when it first hit theaters in the U.S. I was nine. It scared me. I avoided shrubs and bushes for a long time after that. 

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Dr Terrors House of Horrors Pressbook01

Horror Hotel (1960) Pressbook

The City of the Dead (although I prefer the more sensational U.S. title, Horror Hotel) was a staple for horror television back in the black and white days. Milton Subotsky rewrote the script and produced it, so this pretty much makes it the first Amicus production. And a good one it is, too. The poster art is killer.

See more movie pressbooks From Zombos' Closet.

Horror Hotel Pressbook