
Picture Show

Beast With a Million Eyes
Up Close and Personal

In Professor Kinema's files is this photograph taken by Forrest J. Ackerman at the Ackermansion, though I don't know the exact date. I don't know who the woman is either, but she's holding onto a Beast With a Million Eyes puppet by Paul Blaisdell. This is probably the latex version, not the wax, but anyone who can take their eyes off of the lady long enough to confirm this, I'd appreciate it. Notice the After Hours magazine in the shot: one of Warren's lesser known publishing ventures (it lasted 4 issues). 

After hours forry ackerman promo shot

Thanksgiving Press Photo:
Urbain Ledoux, Mr. Zero 1927

Thanksgiving Day, 1927 — If I told you there was this guy, Urbain Ledoux (I know, the papers liked Urban instead of Urbain), who gave up a business career to help the homeless and foster  humanity among his fellows, who wanted to be a priest but got turned off by seeing very unpriestly misconduct, and who worked hard to awaken the slumbering conscience of the people to help those less fortunate and less news-sensationalized than the bombastic morons parading as intelligentsia today, you'd say I was crazy. I'm not, he was, and we all should be just as crazy as him. 



Christmas Press Photo:
How Nightmare Before Christmas Came About

Central Press Association, 1935–Santa, fed up with all the Halloween holiday nonsense, sets up shop before October 31st, to tell eager young candy-gobblers, like brightly dressed Tim Burton, they should enjoy Santa's (s)elf-printed coloring books instead of sugary sweets. Santa's giant elf-handler and marketing muscle on the right (behind his chair), provides support to move the line along, even as little Tim desperately tugs on Santa's hand for anything sweet or chocolaty instead of crayons.

christmas santa press photo 1935

Halloween Press Photo: Pumpkin Prize 1962

Kenosha, Wisconsin, October 16th, 1962-Local thespian dons ritualistic Halloween costume and accidentally socks Lucinda Little in jaw while demonstrating the I-want-candy (and need to pee, but it can wait until I finish) dance. Lucinda recovers, but can't eat any of the Halloween candy her neighbors shower her with out of sympathy. Parents sue local thespian for damages, local thespian sues costume maker for making his mask eye-slits too small, and little Bobby Little (lower left), sues local neighbors for giving too much candy that his sister couldn't eat, causing multiple cavities and stomach aches for him.

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