
News Clips

Tarzan Lives!
Detroit News Article 1972

The first person to portray Tarzan in the movies was Elmo Lincoln in 1918. In 1932, Johnny Weismuller assumed the roll and became the definitive Tarzan, although he wasn’t quite the educated man that Edgar Rice Burroughs imagined in his books. Buster Crabbe (Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers) portrayed the ape man in a 1933 serial, and Herman Brix took a turn in 1935. Brix’s serial, The New Adventures of Tarzan, was the only one where Burroughs was involved in the production. Gordon Scott, Ron Ely, and other actors portrayed the jungle lord also. Jane Goodall noted that the Tarzan series had a major influence on her childhood. Jerry Siegel (co-creator of Superman) noted that Tarzan and John Carter of Mars were early inspirations for Superman. As for me, watching the Tarzan movies every Sunday on local television was an essential part of my childhood.

Tarzan Lives Detroit News Article 1972

AIP News Clips Galley Packet
Vincent Price, Dunwich Horrors, and Dali in De Sade

Here’s another news clips roundup courtesy of It Came From Hollywood. In this packet: famous Fondas star in film together, blurbs on The Dunwich Horror with Dean Stockwell and Sandra Dee, Vincent Price’s Scream and Scream Again, and AIP does Wuthering Heights (yeah, probably with bikers, though, Heathcliff, fill my arms with leather!)

AIP News Clips Galley Packet

AIP News Clips Galley Packet
Bette Davis a Bunny?

It Came From Hollywood provides a bunch of cool galley packets of AIP news clips with fetching titles like “director goes from cellar to beach,” “Bette Davis becomes a ‘bunny’,” and ”green beret versus motorcylce gang” to perk up interest. Here’s the first one. There’s also a neat blurb for Five-in-One Horror Show, An Evening with Boris Karloff.

AIP News Clips Galley Packet