More Not So Boring Movie Radio Spots!
It Came From Hollywood by way of Granny Creech…
I was sitting in my kitchen the other morning when Big Abner comes running into my house, his laptop in hand.
“Granny, did you see your latest posting on Zombos’ Closet? he yelled.” He changed it!”
I took his computer from him and I couldn’t believe my eyes.
“Why that old….he took off all of my horror and science-fiction spots and replaced them with beach party spots and spots for some sleazy girlie movies,” I exclaimed.
“Yep, and he called yours “boring”!” added Abner.
I fumed. I thought the spots I had chosen from the It Came From Hollywood collection were pretty good and in keeping with the theme of my postings. But here he called them boring?? Hmmm. I would get to the bottom of this and have a nice long talk with Zombos’ valet, Zoc.
Big Abner sat down with me and we listened to the spots Zoc had chosen to replace mine. The Beach Blanket Bingo spots were pretty interesting and the lobby spots for Beach Party were cool; ah, that Frankie Avalon. Then we listened to the spots for The Student Nurses, The Young Nurses and then The Swinging Barmaids.
“Humpf,” I said. “Who would pay money to go see those movies?” I grumbled.
I looked at Abner. His eyes were glazed over and sweat was beginning to form on his brow.
“Abner!” I said. “Put your tongue back in your mouth and wipe that silly grin off your face.”
“Bye, Granny,” he said abruptly. “I’ve got to go!”
“Where are you off to?” I asked.
“The thrift store! I’ve got to find those movies and watch them….especially The Swinging Barmaids!” And with that he was out the door. …