
Halloween Costume

Collegeville Ape Man Halloween Costume

A very odd costume, indeed. One can probably write a fascinating article on the change from single character to multi-character illustration on the costume itself, but there's another article in how suitability of mask to costume has varied over time and sociological development. I'll just note that the mask is completely mismatched to the costume. I'm guessing there was a production run of the mask for some other reason than this specific costume and Collegeville decided to save money and re-use the masks with this idea. If not, I'd be stumped as to who green-lit this one. 

Collegeville ape man icebaby2go-at-aol-dot-com 5

Ben Cooper Chuck Norris Halloween Costume

I have fond memories of going to a New York City Chinatown theater, with friends, to see Bruce Lee kick up his heels. For you martial arts fans, all I need say is The Way of the Dragon (1972). Chuck Norris fighting Bruce Lee. It was like watching Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire go head to toe, two styles, two bad-ass pros going at it. In a movie theater in Chinatown in 1972. It doesn't get any better than that.

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