
Azteca/Mexican Lobby Cards

Mexican Lobby Card: Monster on the Campus

Monstruo En La Noche >Mexican Lobby CardThis Monstruo En La Noche lobby card for Universal's Monster On the Campus (also called Monster in the Night) is from the Professor Kinema archives.

A simple combination of red and black inks combine to create a striking image that's more exciting than the actual movie. Note the interesting contrast between the King Kong grip on the heroine by an over-sized monster in the illustration compared to the insert picture. The small picture of the scientist acting scientifically and the hypodermic needle outline cue the science-horror aspect of the movie.

Mexican Lobby Card: El Monstruo Resucitado

"In 1953, Mexico mounted its first-ever serious treatment of the Frankenstein myth, El monstruo resucitado. Directed by Chano Urueta, El monstruo resucitado presents Spanish actor José María Linares-Rivas as a deranged plastic surgeon who keeps an ape-monster in his basement and successfully reanimates a corpse, albeit as a mindless zombie. El monstruo resucitado was a success in Mexico. Suddenly, the Western was taking second place on screen to the Horror genre films."  (Wikipedia, Horror Films of Mexico )

And this lobby card art is to die for. Oddly though, for a movie that contains gory medical scenes, these photographs are tepid. 

El monstruo resucitado lobby card


El Monstruo Resucitado >Mexican Lobby Card
El Monstruo Resucitado Mexican Lobby Card
El Monstruo Resucitado Mexican Lobby Card