Castle of Frankenstein No. 3 has more coverage on Frankenstein's Monster, of course, but also a nice spread on Night Creatures, a scathing review of Something Wicked This Way Comes by someone named Erik (I wonder what novel he was reading), and a little serial hero highlighting. Frankenstein's creation runs amok in Kansas and the villagers love it, and young amateur monster makers get some notice. Sorry for the small hole in page 3: hey, it was a well-read copy, what can I say?). And of course, thanks to Professor Kinema (Jim Knusch) for providing his archive copies for my scanning monster to devour. Here's a comic book reader version for you to devour: Download Castle of Frankenstein Issue 3
More Magazines in the Closet:
- Journal of Frankenstein Issue 1
- Castle of Frankenstein issues: 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 17, 1967 Fearbook