
Captain Video: Master of the Stratosphere (1951)

First, I'd like to confirm that I want the Capt. Video wallet and hosiery. The two-way radio and basque shirt with day-glow are also high on my list. Of particular note in the series is the Mu-ray camera, which allowed viewing of imagery of past events. This ability, in scientific or magical variations, appears in later genre movies and television series. A highly successful serial for Columbia, it is the only one built around a television series. The Honeymooners TV or Not TV episode (my favorite one) has Norton and Ralph pooling their money to buy a television set. Much mayhem ensues as both try to share it but disagree on what to watch, with Captain Video being a major sticking point as Norton, wearing a space helmet, puts up a fight. To infinity and beyond! Here's the rare Captain Video pressbook for your galactic pleasure.

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Captain Video Pressbook 01

Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01
Captain Video Pressbook 01

Captain Video Pressbook 09
Captain Video Pressbook 09
Captain Video Pressbook 09
Captain Video Pressbook 09

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