
JM Cozzoli

A horror genre fan with a blog. Scary.

Blackhawk: Fearless Champion of Freedom
(1952 ) Pressbook

Made in the final years of the serial format, Blackhawk didn’t have the budget power to fully realize the popular comic book character. Still worth a watch, though, as Kirk Alyn was always super in his roles. Here’s the exciting pressbook used to promote the movie to theaters. The title change (The Miraculous Blackhawk: Freedom’s Champion to Blackhawk: Fearless Champion of Freedom) happened when home video kicked in, according to the wiki article. Miraculous is a bit presumptuous, when you think about it.

Comic reader version: Download Blackhawk Pressbook. See more pressbooks and heralds From Zombos’ Closet.

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Republic Confidential Prospectus

Jack Mathis's monumental book, Valley of the Cliffhangers, was published in 1975. Heavily illustrated and exhaustively researched, Mathis documented dozens of Repubic serials, first run in movie theaters in the 1930s and 1940s. Serials, made by Republic and other studios, were a staple of cinema for decades, bringing pop culture influences such as Flash Gordon, Captain America, Commando Cody, Superman, and Captain Marvel to life. Many western, crime, and jungle adventure serials filled the theater screens weekly too. In the 1970s, when fandom was coming into prominence, serials were rediscovered and re-examined for their important role in cinema history. Mathis's Valley of the Cliffhangers is essential reading, albeit an expensive one (the rare, coffee table sized, book usually sells for upwards of a thousand dollars). Also essential reading, but a bit easier to find and less expensive, is his Republic Confidential, a smaller-sized, two-volume set. RC was eventually released in the 1990s. Here is the prospectus promotion for RC. Two prospectuses were created and this is the first one.

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The Stranger From Pecos (1943) Pressbook

The Stranger from Pecos was the second movie in Monogram’s Marshal Nevada Jack Mckenzie franchise, starring Johnny Mack Brown. Brown appeared on Wheaties boxes and in comic books and roped in well over a hundred movies before he passed away in 1974.

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Stranger From Pecos Pressbook 1

The Monster Times Issue 33, 1974

Issue 33 of The Monster Times really does go ape. The Planet of the Apes movie franchise gets most of the bananas–I mean coverage–in this issue, but other apes in movies aren't left with just the peel. I had hit a local theater with a bag of McDonald's, back in Brooklyn, circa 1970s, to catch a Planet of the Apes marathon. Ah, memories. I'd do it again faster than someone hitting the floor after slipping on a banana peel. 

To read issues 1 through 48 of The Monster Times, including two specials and the merchandise catalog, slip on over to the magazine morgue From Zombos' Closet.

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Jungle Man-Eaters (1954) Pressbook

The good old days, when the only thing you had to worry about in the jungle was what was going to eat you. I'm nonplussed about that tagline: "Johnny Against the Cannibals! as the flames lick her lovely legs." Did Johnny have lovely legs? The sentence logic here is atrocious. So is Johnny Weissmuller's acting throughout the Jungle Jim series, in spite of his lovely legs. But there is a strange fascination for me with these jungle adventures, I admit.

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Charlie Chan at the Opera (1936) Pressbook

Black Camel (with Bela Lugosi) and Charlie Chan at the Opera (with Boris Karloff), are two of the best Chan movies. Currently, you can see both on YouTube. I strongly recommend them. I realize for many that Charlie Chan reflects a less politically correct age, but I would only recommend you re-evaluate this very large body of work, especially with  Warner Oland, arguably the best Charlie Chan (even though he was Swedish). An essential reference work to aid you is Charlie Chan at the Movies:History, Filmography, and Criticism by Ken Hanke.

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See more high-brow pressbooks From Zombos’ Closet.

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The Monster Times Issue 32, April 1974

The latest issue of Little Shoppe of Horrors, issue 43, has a fascinating oral history of The Monster Times, plus a near-complete listing of who did what for each TMT issue. It also has extensive histories on Children of the Damned and The Blood Beast Terror, so don’t miss it. And speaking of TMT, issue 32 shouldn’t be missed either. With Marvel’s Mightiest Monsters, A Profile of the Late Bruce Lee, Questor (some of you may recall when we kind of laughed at robots and thought no way, right?), and Attack of the Mexican Monsters (scoop of some brains with Brainiac and wrestle some mummies works for me).

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See more in the magazine morgue.

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Forbidden Planet (1956) Pressbook

With a completely electronic soundtrack and Robby the Robot, nicely centered around a creepy ID monster, Forbidden Planet is a great movie. One can only wonder at how theater marquees and lobbies, that employed the promotional items shown in this 20-page pressbook (like the standee and the fluorescent valance), must have looked to genre fans when the movie aired on the big screen. Oh, and there was Anne Francis to oggle at too, which the crew of the C-57D starship easily do for a good portion of the movie, in the usual 1950s cinematic mating process. A pulp fantasy come true, to be sure. Robby’s designer, Robert Kinoshita, also created another favorite: B-9 in Lost in Space. Unfortunately, someone actually used the pressbook as intended and cut out an ad mat or two. Luckily, it didn’t affect the readability much.

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More other worldly pressbooks From Zombos’ Closet.

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One Million Years B.C. (1966) Movie Herald

Here's the tabloid newspaper herald for One Million Years B.C.  I love the tongue in cheek approach. Raquel Welch's fur bikini pin-up was quite a seller after this movie came out. This was Hammer Studios first prehistoric movie. I'm not sure why Hollywood had a fascination with prehistoric period dramas back then, but I doubt many in the audiences went to see the dinosaurs. 

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