
JM Cozzoli

A horror genre fan with a blog. Scary.

The 100 Hundred Candles Game (2020)

100 CANDLES Poster Zombos Says: Fair to Good (the wrap around story for this anthology movie is lifeless, but the seven stories are bloody good).

If you have seen Yokai Monsters: 100 Monsters (1968), you know what the 100 Candles title is referring to. It was a Japanese parlor game (hyakumonogatari kaidankai), circa samurai age-ish, that involved arranging two or three rooms so they appeared like an L if you walked through them. Up to 100 persons could play, but I am not sure that ever happened, unless an entire village joined in. Each person, in turn, would tell a ghost story. Or curse story. Or monster story. As each story was told a light would be extinguished (hence the 100 candles or the original andon lanterns used back then). As each light was extinguished and a new story begun, the rooms would get darker and, presumably, a lot more creepy.

So the Japanese, who brought us the dark, long-haired J-horrors of our cinema nightmares, learned the craft of scaring the bejezus out of anyone hundreds of years ago by creating a mood and a sense of mounting dread. The trick was not to tell those 100 stories. The participants feared that if you reached the 100th story, terrors might be unleashed that were slowly building up as each story was finished, and each villager was quietly positioning themselves closer and closer to the exit just in case all hell broke lose. Now that is a game. Kind of like our contemporary haunt attractions, it relied on scary vignettes and mood lighting. 

Sadly, that overall mood and tension is not to be found in 100 Candles.

Part of that lies with the actors in the wrap around story. They are supposed to be friends, but none of them are friendly and the game's host (Magui Bravi) least of all. One wonders why they all gathered together in the first place. More context and lead-in would have helped a great deal. Why are they playing the game? No one was having fun, not even before they started. No one seemed to have a reason for being there to play the game. None of the emotions on display indicated they even liked each other. An explanation of the game was more detailed than the characters playing it. After that explanation, we are into the first story about a witch that eats kids. It is short and sweet but could make for an entire movie with a fleshed out script.

The next story involves a domestic dispute and a twist-ending, followed by an unsettling but confusing sojourn into demonic children. A demon-haunted mother, a woman waking up in a coffin, a demonic possession, and a nasty habit concerning taking pictures with a cell phone round out the remaining scares.

The stories themselves are good and creepy and while fairly traditional in execution, have an earnest taste for blood and horror. But the wrap around story jostles with them uncomfortably. Eventually the wrap around reaches its climax but since we did not learn much about the game's participants we really do not care too much about them or what happens to them. 

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If you take away the wrapper, the horror candy inside is strong and visually arresting, so I recommend you watch this movie and fast forward through the game's participants as they stiffly dialog their growing concerns about the game (but never just leave), and watch the seven stories instead; which makes this a perfect on-demand view, so go at it. 

Note: As always, I receive screeners, links, courtesy copies, etc., for some of my reviews. But I still review 'em as I see 'em. So there.

All Hail the Popcorn King! (2019)

All-hail-the-popcorn-king-poster-largeZombos Says: Good. A personable documentary that will appeal to writers, horror fans, and anyone who enjoys learning about fascinating people.

Take a big fat oak barrel, pack in Ray Bradbury and Charles Bukowski, slice and dice a few big young scorpions with all six juicy segments of their tails, add some boiled spinach and watery buckwheat, pickle all with half Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey and half Southern Comfort, piss, and spit some chawing tobacco into the mix, then seal it up good. Let the barrel sit for a few years, forgotten, in a beat up Pontiac pickup truck parked in the last row of the last aisle in the last drive-in down a long dusty road. When you finally open it up you’ll find an author like Joe R. Lansdale. Just stand back a bit when you do ’cause he might be cussin’ up an awful lot and swinging low. –from my book review of The Best of Joe R. Lansdale.

The best way to present Joe R. Lansdale, in a documentary about him, is to focus on him talking about himself, his influences, his surroundings, his unique situation of liberal-thinking living in a conservative-thinking locale, and Hap and Leonard, of course. Hansi Oppenheimer manages to do just that while bringing in Bruce Campbell, Joe Hill, Mick Garris, Amber Benson, Don Coscarelli, Christopher Golden, Jeani Rector, his family, and many others, to talk about Lansdale and his influences. From his love for reading that started with comic books to his love for history, you need not ask for a more complete portrait of the writer.

The visual style of the documentary is homey retro, which fits right in with Lansdale’s style of talking and writing. Snippets of popping corn, a reel to reel projector (I still have my 8mm one), and images of drive-ins, along with Kasey Lansdale’s music scoring, all work to provide a cozy, nostalgic feeling.

His breadth of knowledge, relaxed Nacogdoches living, and the front porch informality of the man comes through without a hitch. He provides an extensive background on Hap and Leonard. He also gives a demonstration of his unique martial art style and makes the rounds of East Texas as he relates local history, viewpoints, and experiences.

A stop at a Gladewater theater brought memories of grabbing a hamburger at the Ritz Drugstore nearby, then stocking up on a nickel popcorn bag and Coca-cola to catch the kiddie matinee and serials. This one reminiscence will bring back memories for many of those of a ripe old age who remember hours similarly spent. His discovery of the alternate stairway for black patrons was a moment that stuck with him and added to his realization of that other reality growing up along with him.

There is so much packed into this documentary that I am sure you will watch it and come away with a lot of I-didn’t-know-thats about Joe R. Lansdale. You can’t do better than that.

Undergods (2020)
Gothic Sci Fi Horror for the Arthouse Crowd

Undergods_FinalArtwork[1]Zombos Says: Good for film students, arthouse audiences, and anyone looking to think about and question an intentionally deep and confusing movie.

IMDb lists Undergods by Chino Moya as a thriller and fantasy. That is misleading. Perhaps a clue to what Moya intended is found in the glimpse of a book by E.T.A Hoffman, being read by one of the characters. The movie's use of colors, pacing, and decay across the stories in this anthology also point to a tone and mood that leans to the gothic and horror. There is also the sci fi element that directs Moya's odd editing and intentional obfuscation as he bounces us back and forth in time between post-apocalypse and pre-apocalypse. This movie is not one you would normally want to watch but it is worth watching.

There is a lot buried in the stories here but this is not a mainstream film. I would expect it to be a cult favorite in due time, good for midnight viewings with more action-packed fare or a go-to film for student studies. Oh, and the thriller part of it is completely wrong: Undergods is neither thrilling or suspenseful; it merely lays out a narrative that could use some time-trimming from its 90 or so minutes run-time. You will probably lose attention at the 68 minute mark or thereabout, but stick with it. The direction and editing keep actions muted but the actors intense. Either Moya knows how to direct actors or knows how to stay out of their way, but the acting takes the foreground in every scene, usually overwhelming the dystopian facades it takes place in.  


"Wait a moment," said Zombos. I looked up from my review-writing.

"You are getting a bit long winded here with academic back alleys," he said.

This is why I hate writing movie reviews when he's around. He's a critic of the critic type of person. That can be very annoying.

I stood my ground. "I'm simply outlining my impressions of the movie. I had to sleep on this, you know, to figure out how to approach it when it uses final poster art that's not even about the movie. That girl standing in the decaying ruins of a post-apocalypse while a truck drives toward her is way off the mark. At least I think it is. Now you've got me all mixed up thinking about it. Can you let me get back to my review please?" 

Zombos sipped his Aberlour and squinted his eyes at me. I got the feeling he was mentally holding two fingers up in front of his eyes and squeezing my head between them. I shook that feeling aside and continued my review. Come to think of it, the male characters in Undergods were all being squeezed. I wonder if that was intentional too.


Undergods 0059750The time-shifting begins with two buddies (Johann Myers and Geza Rohrig) driving a grimy truck through an urban wasteland of decaying buildings and rotting bodies. They collect the bodies but why? Who is paying them? They also drink gasoline (unleaded I hope), so their mental acuity is questionable. With a lot of time on their hands, they chat, tell stories, share dreams. Cue the first story and time shift to, I'm guessing here, the recent past, to an apartment complex that's empty except for an older couple in one apartment and one tenant locked out of his apartment. Or so he said. Ned Dennehy (he played Scrooge in Dickensian 2015) is the locked out tenant. They invite him in. I would not invite him in. Dennehy has a look that is not inviting. As it turns out, not a good look for the tenants either. An elevator provides the transition to… 

…the next story, which involves a rich man (Eric Godon) who wants to become richer, a daughter (Tanya Reynolds) he adores, and a creepy genius (Jan Bivjoet) who wants to sell his architectural plans. Strangely, this story is told by a father telling his daughter a bedtime story, which is even more strangely being told by one of the questionable sanitation guys picking up bodies and drinking gasoline.  Again, I'm guessing here, but it would fit the fantasy element as Moya kicks around the point of view for us like an empty can. He definitely wants to play with us here, with timeframes, with the people in those timeframes, and the social malaise those people are swimming in. Is he saying these characters are why the apocalypse happened, in general? A society in decline? Or are we still inside the heads of those two buddies as they shoot the breeze? 

Undergods 0106607A door forced open later leads to a loopy time wrap from past to present to past, making for a very jarring entrance into those two buddies' world consisting of an endless and mostly dead cityscape of ruins. From there, the final story embraces a more colorful world but one of emotional emptiness for the people living in it. A perplexing return of a formerly "dead" husband (Sam Louwyck) makes it a problem for the current one (Adrian Rawlins). There's well-placed dark humor here, especially with the letters the disconnected and disaffected son puts on his bedroom wall, as if he had to be reminded of what those letters spell out. A karaoke rendition makes for a very uncomfortable scene and is the only heated one allowed in the movie. A deeply disturbing but telling (and darkly funny) visit to a social worker makes this story the most perplexing but inherently understandable one of the bunch.

And so the two buddies continue driving for bodies and fresh meat. I'll leave the fresh meat part of it up to you to discover. We may all fall into that category soon enough, but soylent green it ain't.


Zombos took the last sip of his Aberlour, looked down at my review, sighed, and left the room. A reaction, I'm sure, most viewers will have after this movie. But it is one hell of a ride, with emphasis on the hell. Oh, and the techno soundtrack is awesome.

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Roar of the Iron Horse (1951) Pressbook

The pressbook for Roar of the Iron Horse contains a lot of promotional information and ideas. Of course, in the 1950s, cowboy movies were an easy draw for the younger set, until mutant monsters and atom bombs creeped out everyone enough to make the classic monsters in the 1960s more inviting. By then, science fiction and detective shows crowded out the Western dramas across television screens while the big screens showed less and less of them too. But in 1951, they were still roaring at the box office.

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The Sea Hound (1947) Pressbook

Here’s the 1955 re-release pressbook for The Sea Hound serial with Larry “Buster” Crabbe. The smarty-pants patches promotion, as a giveaway, is novel. Note to “sort patches into two groups: one for small children and one for teen-agers.” On page 2 it’s mentioned that patches were used “for smooth selling of Adventures of Captain Africa and other smash Columbia super-serials.” I quickly reread that pressbook and found the patches were both plastic and cloth, and 2.5 inches. Looks like 1955 was the year for patches as giveaways.

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Desperadoes of the West (1950) Pressbook

Thanks to The Serial Squadron member Chris McCleary, I’ve been posting many pressbooks from his dad’s collection. He did two great things: collected serial pressbooks to keep the history alive and met his screen heroes to boot. Here’s one signed by Roy Barcroft. I miss the days when you could meet and greet your screen heroes, chat a bit, and walk away with a signed something or photograph while keeping your shirt on your back. Today, of course, it’s a Wells Fargo stagecoach holdup’s worth to do anything like that at a convention.

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Desperadoes of the West Pressbook01

Terror Tales Vol. 2 No. 1

The classic, I Chopped Her Head Off! is in this issue. If you ever wondered why parents and decent citizens (don’t you love that term?) ganged up on the comics industry forcing the bland comics code on us all (but a boon to magazine sales), this one story captures everything you would put on a poster illustrating the evils of comic books. And you can color it in! Yes boys and girls, you too can be seduced by the dark side, just a few color pencils needed. Now that’s one thing I bet you hadn’t thought about. Just print out the pages of this splaterific issue of moral decay and bamm! instant adult coloring book! You can thank me later. Just don’t tell your parents and loved ones where I live. I’ll deny everything.

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Jungle Raiders (1945) Pressbook

Treasure, a miracle drug, and jungle mystery and intrigue are “sizzling” in this jungle serial from Columbia. I wonder if any theaters added jungle sounds or the fortune telling idol to their lobbies? I also would love to have one of those club cards, punched or unpunched. Nice use of contest mats, a code, and a jungle sundae help round out the promotional business. The poster art is also exciting and there were 8×10 art stills available highlighting it. I don’t know what was more exciting: the serial itself or the ballyhoo around it?

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Hop Harrigan (1946) Re-Release Pressbook

Here’s the 1956 re-release pressbook for Columbia’s Hop Harrigan serial. Somehow, I don’t think going after everyone in town who is air-minded is the best promotional campaign I’ve come across. However, the other promotional items are nifty: a model display, a lobby death ray gun (always a draw for me), club card for youngsters (but I still want one), a substitution code, and inviting people named Harrigan to the opening. Of course there’s the usual clothing and luggage, the not so usual making paper planes, and the very challenging finding airplane parts “from your local air field” to put in theater lobbies.

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Sophie Lang Goes West (1937) Pressbook

I was drawn to this pressbook because you don’t often see early movies fronting a female lead character. There were three Sophie Lang movies of which this is the last one.  Promotion ideas for this one had fashionable clothing trends, luggage, a hope chest stunt, and a photo-fun contest. Larry “Buster” Crabbe (Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers) plays the heavy.

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Sophie Lang Goes West Pressbook01

Give Us Wings (1940) Pressbook

It gets confusing trying to keep track of the Dead End Kids, the Little Tough Guys, the Bowery Boys, and the East Side Kids as they pop up in various serials and movies. Long story short: the Dead End Kids were a group of young actors that appeared in the Broadway play Dead End in 1935. In 1937 they wound up in Hollywood to star in the filmed version of the play. Then in 1938 some of them, along with newbies, starred in the movie, Little Tough Guy, so they also became known as the Little Tough Guys. This led to more movies and eventually acquiring the additional monikers East Side Kids and Bowery Boys as they continued to participate in the lucrative franchise over the years. Interestingly, though they began on a serious note, their movies became more comedic and light-hearted as time progressed.

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Jungle Siren (1942) Pressbook

Burlesque stripper Ann Corio made her way to Hollywood to star in Swamp Woman, Jungle Siren, Call of the Jungle, and Sarong Girl. Note the trend toward steamy environs to lessen the need for clothing. What’s unusual about this pressbook is that it’s larger than most (18×12 inches) and has two fold-out sections, which makes this a pricey pressbook to print and distribute.

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