
Alas Poor Awards, I Knew Ye Well

Hamlet ponders death I think I came to this decision at 10:15 this morning. I was pondering it much of last night; spinning it around all angles most of yesterday. This morning, after reading over my Google Alerts, I realized it was time to rein in those slings and arrows of misinformation and boldly make my quietus with a bare post (bodkins are too sharp and hurt like hell).

Google Alerts pointed me to a news item mentioning the Bloody Bloggers Awards and how voting would be done by the League of Tana Tea Drinkers only. It was a well-intentioned and gracious bit of news, but not quite correct: it said voting would be done by League members only. Actually, voting for the awards would have been done by email, sent to me (I removed myself from nomination to remain impartial) by anyone who wanted to vote for their favorite nominees. And while the nominees themselves had to come from League members' making the recommendations, really, all a horror blogger needed to do was let us know about you and what category or categories you felt you best fit in–there were 13 of them to choose from. My goal was a simple one: promote horror blogs, especially lesser known ones, through an impartial, unbiased, non-commercial awards contest, and provide a mechanism–and motivation–for exploring lots of other horror blogs. The mechanism was a list of links to all nominee blogs and the motivation would be the awards themselves and the voting process.

At least I thought it was simple. It would have allowed every horror blogger to participate without commercial or biased endorsements skewing the results. It also recognized there were more possible categories for awards than simply the best horror blog, whatever that is. But here's the rub: my perception was not everyone's perception, and that has caused a little tempest in a teapot that makes for very bad tea, especially among members of the League itself.

And it has made members of the League of Tana Tea Drinkers appear elitest; cucumber sandwich-eating snobs who think we're hot shit when it comes to knowing horror and blogging about it. Well, I admit I like cucumber sandwiches, but we are certainly not elitest–sure, we like to joke a lot about that, but we're only joking–and while we do know our horror–just like you–we blog for the fun of it. Read our mission statement. No where does it say "we the members of LOTT D are elitest hot shit, so poo poo on you." What it does say is Our mission is to acknowledge, foster, and support thoughtful, articulate, and creative blogs built on an appreciation of the horror and sci-horror genres.

But that good intentions road-paving crew has pulled up outside. I see it's time to apologize for rushing into something I should have thought more about and especially for causing dissension that is hurtful and non-productive, and for forcing an argument where one should never have arisen.

I'm calling the Bloody Blogger Awards on account of foul weather. For all those who did participate, I thank you very much; you've alerted me to many sites I didn't know about. For those who tossed those slings and arrows, I'm sorry. In my rush to foster community spirit, I stirred up some restless ghosts that I should have paid attention to more. Perhaps in time I'll try it again. But it's stopped being fun.

Besides, with the new kid on the block, the Horror Blogger Alliance, I think our community has grown a lot bigger already. I wish them all the luck and support I can muster. Based on my recent experience, I know they'll need it.

16 thoughts on “Alas Poor Awards, I Knew Ye Well”

  1. Horror blogger awards once again stir up controversy. I commend you for holding the awards in an attempt to bring new readers to various blogs out there and I completely support your decision to shut them down. I think we’ve all had enough awards based drama for the year and maybe it’s best we just cancel all future plans for any kind of awards and instead do things like The Horror Blogger Alliance which promote blogs in a friendly non competitive way. It seems this community is just not built for awards…

  2. The sudden sour grapes over blog awards caught me by surprise, John. I really didn’t think people, particularly people in the League’s camp, would get so offended. It’s too bad. I thought it could have been a good time and was all in fun but there was some real bad blood there for a bit. People are weird is all I can say to that.
    But I still think it’s important that the sites that we nominated get seen. Maybe there’s room for that list here or on the League’s blog because I’m particularly passionate about some of the folks I mentioned, particularly the horror podcasts because even as horror blogs gain traction, the best horror podcasts seem to get the snub.
    Just an idea. Canning the awards doesn’t have to be a total loss. Maybe an article like “The awards are off but the League really likes these people”. Organize it how you want.

  3. Its sad that people can’t accept things at face value and immediately assume negative intent. It makes me sad to see John pull this, someone who I’ve never questioned his intent, integrity or reason for doing something other than to support the love and passion of others. I’m sure this was a difficult decision.

  4. Too bad, John, I was looking forward to this, it seemed like it was going to be a lot of fun. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned this year, to go along with Johnny Boots, it’s that people really get freaked out by competition for some reason. Oh well.

  5. Sorry to hear this went down poorly, thanks for your efforts.
    Let’s just hope none of what’s gone on affects the amount of excellent horror content people are producing.

  6. John, I’m sorry for any negative vibes that may have come across in my e-mails. I really do appreciate everything you’ve done for horror blogging and the League, and know you have only the best intentions.

  7. Sorry for the hassles on this, John. I never had time to submit any nominees, but it’s too bad some folks interpreted your actions in ways you did not intend, and then didn’t have the courtesy to ask for clarification before posting to the world. Sometimes this instantaneous publishing that is the blogosphere is more of a curse than blessing.
    At any rate, I’d suggest going to your Spooky Town collection, turning on the switch, and watching the animated horrific spectacle so as to calm your nerves. You can also take refuge in the fact that Lemax has just announced the Spooky Town 2010 line of products. Breathe deeply, relax, and enjoy the fun of all of this.

  8. Wow! Who would’ve known the horror blog community could get so worked up over “awards”? I lurk more than post on the majority of the blogs I visit, but I’ve read a few people rant about awards and their “legitimacy,” which I find amusing. That probably sounds cold or rude but c’mon! Sending meany-grams because you can’t handle not being nominated for a blog award. Boggles the mind, it does. Everyone with quality content and pure intent deserves some form of recognition, so why shouldn’t the big blogs pay it forward and help the smaller or newer ones? As someone who has very little time to browse for new blogs to visit, I was looking forward to the list of nominees. Oh well. I guess it’s true what they say about the best intentions, eh?

  9. I submitted my blog into consideration hoping to get more exposure (as I never expect to win any of these things). The only positive about these awards is that you get to check out some blogs your not aware of and add them to your reading list.
    We horror bloggers are a tight knit group and we support each other but honestly there is a bit of independence at times and we want to receive glory just for ourselves.
    Sure we want the team to win, but sometimes you wanna be the perosn to hit the game winning shot and get the accolades.

  10. Oh well, Zombos…you’re heart was very much in the right place, and you have done a lot to recognize quality horror blogs.
    AND–tonight you received an official RONDO AWARD nomination for BEST HORROR BLOG 2009. Congratulations!

    These awards are supposed to be fun, bring the horror community together and expose them to some new talent, fun blogs and potential great friends. What is with contests that turn people in such fucking idiots!! COME ON people, we need to grow the awareness of the goings on in the macabre community, not argue over who does it best! Seriously, Fuck is bad word but your fucking making me say it!
    Christopher Zenga

  12. I thought this was clean cut and an excellent awards system that was open to any and all participants, and I never would have expected anything but positive support John. Unlike the blind voting process at BD, this would have made for a much more accurate counting method, and I am very sorry to hear it did not work out. Perhaps you could release the list of nominees to at least grant those individuals some exposure for the event? In either case, very sorry to hear that you came under fire for what I considered a very noble effort.

  13. What’s wrong with these people?! There have been awards for hundreds of years and it’s a great springboard for any new horror blogger. People need to chill out. Such a dissapointment.

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