
My Halloween: The Terror Trap

DanHalloween Five questions asked over a glowing Jack o’Lantern, under an Autumn moon obscured by passing clouds…in between mouthfuls of candy corn…Dan at The Terror Trap opens wide to snare us with his Halloween spirit.


Why is Halloween important to you?

Halloween is important to me because as a horror movie fan and lover of the macabre, I appreciate any day that brings out the witches, ghosts, zombies and vampires in all of us.

Describe your ideal Halloween.

As an adult, my ideal Halloween is one in which I see many kids walking around the neighborhood in colorful costumes and I give away tons of candy. An ideal October 31st is always capped by a good terror or monster flick.

What Halloween collectibles do you cherish, or hate, or both?

I love the classic Ben Cooper costumes from the ‘60s and ’70s and I have a few in my collection. I also collect miniature PVC figures and the Halloween and monster characters are some of my favorites. Each year as Halloween approaches, I add to my displays.

When was your very first Halloween, the one where you really knew it was Halloween, and how was it?

The earliest I can remember is when I was about five. That would be 1974 and I wore a Fred Flintstone costume. I had a blast. I grew up in a large apartment complex in New York City and we did what I would call “vertical trick-or-treating.” Which means that rather than go from house to house as you would in the suburbs, my friends and I went up and down the staircases and elevators in 13-story buildings. It’s a different experience – but no less fun.

What’s the one Halloween question you want to be asked and what’s your answer?

Q: Can Halloween be a treat for adults?

A: Absolutely! As the “Roseanne” series showed with their excellent Halloween-themed storylines, October 31st can be as much fun for adults as children. In many ways, it has become a holiday for adults. Have a costume party. Carve pumpkins. Decorate your windows and/or patios. Be Creative. In New York, the Greenwich Village parade has grown from a little neighborhood festivity into a huge televised event that attracts as many as two million people.

It’s truly a day that I look forward to every year. Celebrate and enjoy!

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