
My Halloween: Freddy In Space

Freddyinspace Five questions asked over a glowing Jack o’Lantern, under an Autumn moon obscured by passing clouds…in between mouthfuls of candy corn…Johnny Boots of Freddy In Space has this thing for Freddy and Halloween. Is it just me, or do you think this photo is as creepy as all Hell, too?


Why is Halloween important to you?

Because it’s the one time of the year where everyone embraces the things that I embrace all year round and I love to see that. Stores I would otherwise never step foot in are loaded with cool stuff that’s right up my alley, both new and old horror films hit DVD and the theatres left and right, and pop up all over television networks that normally show no love for the genre. People decorate their homes the way I decorate mine all year long – it’s as if all is right with the world for a month or so out of the year.

Describe your ideal Halloween.

As much as one might expect that I go all out on Halloween and do all kinds of wild things to celebrate my favorite day of the year, my ideal way to spend the day is with my girlfriend, some pumpkin beer, a handful of horror flicks, and a bunch of candy to hand out to trick or treaters – and of course to feast on. That’s all I need to have a great Halloween. I remember how thrilling it was when I was a kid to be given a big size candy bar or an extra little special treat in my bucket, and I love to give those little thrills to the new kids in town. It’s for this reason that I try to stay home during the day and night of Halloween and always feel like I missed out when I end up going out for the night.

What Halloween collectibles do you cherish, or hate, or both?

While I cherish each and every one of my Halloween collectibles – which my dad and I have amassed a ton of and proudly display most throughout the entire year – i’ve gotta say I really have a love for this weird squishy pumpkinheaded dude that my family has had since as far back as I can remember. He always puts a smile on my face when I pluck his tattered ass out of a bucket come mid September and just the sight of him really gets me in the spirit.  Unfortunately that’s a sight that I at the moment cannot share because I can’t seem to find him!

When was your very first Halloween, the one where you really knew it was Halloween, and how was it?

The earliest Halloween memories I can remember were at my elementary school. We would have a parade every year where we all dressed up and walked around the gym or parking lot, depending on the weather. I remember loving that and cherishing the difference of it from normal day to day school life. Not a very exciting answer, but that’s the first I can remember experiencing Halloween.


What’s the one Halloween question you want to be asked and what’s your answer?

I guess i’d like to be asked what I am doing for Halloween this year. Reason being, this will be the very first Halloween my girlfriend and I spend in our very own place. I absolutely cannot wait to decorate the place and to hand out candy to our own batch of trick or treaters. At the same time it’s bittersweet because not only will I for the first time not spend the day in my childhood home, but my dog – who passed away late last year – won’t be there to notify me when the kids are headed towards the front door.  She always bothered the living hell out of me on Halloween, but i’m definitely gonna miss that incessant barking now that she’s gone.

Things will be different, but i’m highy looking forward to what seems like it’ll be my first ‘grown up’ Halloween experience.  Rest assured though, come October 31st, I will still be as giddy and excited as the kids who come to my door looking for candy – this is something that I hope never changes.

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